Daniel Howell Portrait
Sipping the Tea with Mr D
(Take Two)
I didn't feel like baking or cooking today so instead, I decided to upload a Dan the Doodlebug instalment! I know it's been ages since I did one...Maybe 6 months? I think the last one might have been a Dan Howell inspired one too. Don't worry, there will be a new Dickcember instalment up tomorrow night sometime. I've also got another Happiness & Homicide preview before the year is out!
As some of you know, I like to post updates of my artwork on my Instagram and sometimes my Twitter, but I never really give any background on the pieces. The inspiration, how or why I've started the piece in the way that I have.
I know what some of you may be asking.
I just loved the Internet Support Group video that he did and he looked so funny, sitting there being sarcastic whilst sipping green tea. He's full of spunk, drama and despite the dark clothing he's always rocking, he's a colourful person. He's loud, vibrant and filled with excitement. Green tea brings thoughts of calm, serenity and reflection. I thought the tea was the perfect contrast to him; especially in the context of the video and the series. (You can check out that and the rest of his content via his links below.)
Update 1

I realised this was a bit more of a first start or first update that I usually do for a Dan the Doodlebug, but whatever just enjoy the art. I started from the left, whereas I think I usually start from the left. Dunno why, the right just felt better. I started with sketching his outline and working out how the roses, tea and various tea party snacks would frame him. I wanted the teapot and cup to be the centrepiece right under him to create a nice starting point. I realised soon as I got this far and took the photo that I'd done an English teapot and teacup rather than an Asian one like the one he has in the drawing and had in the live show. Fucks sake. I'd already started and I wasn't about to erase and start all over again. I promise for the next tea portrait I do with him, I won't cross cultures with it. I'll be more respectful of the art.
And then a few days later...
Update 2

BOOM. I really went all out with that left hand side of the drawing. He's not only got a cupcake over there, he's got a slice of a choco-berry cake and carrot cake. He's one of the few people I know, besides myself, that actually like carrot cake. I went with a semi-realistic, anime-style carrot cake there. It looks more realistic than I thought it would be since I drew it off a screenshot from an anime. I dunno what anime it was. Google imaged that bitch. It was harder to work the flowers into this side since I had so much going on with the baked goods.I just threw a few in there all willy-nilly. I was just wanting to get it finished before I set it to the side and forgot about it like I have with so many drawings.
I've noticed that each time I do an update before it's finished, I never finish his hair before I update. Never. I never ever finish the hair or the rest of the head. That's like the last thing that I always do. I do the border, all the little facial details, his freckles, shading and then fill in his head. I have no words for this.
DUH DUH! The Finished Product!

I don't know why he does that weird thing with his pinkie, the little kink in his finger...Maybe it's cause he's a kinky bloke. I dunno. Maybe I'll ask him about it one day, but until that day comes, it's just going to be Dan ft. alien pinkie in all of the tea drawings. Hopefully, he does another tea themed video/live stream so that I can do a Sipping the Tea with Mr D take three!
Look at how those cupcakes are just plunked into the roses there. Nothing quite says a tea party quite like roses. Maybe I'll do some forget me not flowers or some lilacs in the next one. Do you guys have any flower suggestions? I love how strawberries and roses just go together..should I try and work out a strawberry cupcake with a rose flavoured icing? That might be a tad ambitious. I did the final shading with my hands. Just ran my fingertips over all of the pencil lines/waves. I went with more traditional English roses with this one rather than some new school tattoo style roses, I just thought they looked better with them. I could have blended that chocolate drizzle there a little better; especially if I was doing a closeup shot. For shame, Daniel. Shame on me and my laziness.
I'm working on another Dan portrait that I'll post on my Twitter & Instagram in the upcoming weeks. I love doing them, but there's so much work to them. I might do another Phil one at some point for Dan the Doodlebug but I won't make any promises on that one. I'm thinking the next doodlebug session will be tattoo themed or feature some of my favourite pieces I drew over the past year.
Have suggestions or requests?
Leave a comment or message me at one of the links below.
Sipping the Tea with Mr D
(Take Two)
I didn't feel like baking or cooking today so instead, I decided to upload a Dan the Doodlebug instalment! I know it's been ages since I did one...Maybe 6 months? I think the last one might have been a Dan Howell inspired one too. Don't worry, there will be a new Dickcember instalment up tomorrow night sometime. I've also got another Happiness & Homicide preview before the year is out!
As some of you know, I like to post updates of my artwork on my Instagram and sometimes my Twitter, but I never really give any background on the pieces. The inspiration, how or why I've started the piece in the way that I have.
I know what some of you may be asking.
I just loved the Internet Support Group video that he did and he looked so funny, sitting there being sarcastic whilst sipping green tea. He's full of spunk, drama and despite the dark clothing he's always rocking, he's a colourful person. He's loud, vibrant and filled with excitement. Green tea brings thoughts of calm, serenity and reflection. I thought the tea was the perfect contrast to him; especially in the context of the video and the series. (You can check out that and the rest of his content via his links below.)
Update 1

I realised this was a bit more of a first start or first update that I usually do for a Dan the Doodlebug, but whatever just enjoy the art. I started from the left, whereas I think I usually start from the left. Dunno why, the right just felt better. I started with sketching his outline and working out how the roses, tea and various tea party snacks would frame him. I wanted the teapot and cup to be the centrepiece right under him to create a nice starting point. I realised soon as I got this far and took the photo that I'd done an English teapot and teacup rather than an Asian one like the one he has in the drawing and had in the live show. Fucks sake. I'd already started and I wasn't about to erase and start all over again. I promise for the next tea portrait I do with him, I won't cross cultures with it. I'll be more respectful of the art.
And then a few days later...
Update 2

BOOM. I really went all out with that left hand side of the drawing. He's not only got a cupcake over there, he's got a slice of a choco-berry cake and carrot cake. He's one of the few people I know, besides myself, that actually like carrot cake. I went with a semi-realistic, anime-style carrot cake there. It looks more realistic than I thought it would be since I drew it off a screenshot from an anime. I dunno what anime it was. Google imaged that bitch. It was harder to work the flowers into this side since I had so much going on with the baked goods.I just threw a few in there all willy-nilly. I was just wanting to get it finished before I set it to the side and forgot about it like I have with so many drawings.
I've noticed that each time I do an update before it's finished, I never finish his hair before I update. Never. I never ever finish the hair or the rest of the head. That's like the last thing that I always do. I do the border, all the little facial details, his freckles, shading and then fill in his head. I have no words for this.
DUH DUH! The Finished Product!

I don't know why he does that weird thing with his pinkie, the little kink in his finger...Maybe it's cause he's a kinky bloke. I dunno. Maybe I'll ask him about it one day, but until that day comes, it's just going to be Dan ft. alien pinkie in all of the tea drawings. Hopefully, he does another tea themed video/live stream so that I can do a Sipping the Tea with Mr D take three!
Look at how those cupcakes are just plunked into the roses there. Nothing quite says a tea party quite like roses. Maybe I'll do some forget me not flowers or some lilacs in the next one. Do you guys have any flower suggestions? I love how strawberries and roses just go together..should I try and work out a strawberry cupcake with a rose flavoured icing? That might be a tad ambitious. I did the final shading with my hands. Just ran my fingertips over all of the pencil lines/waves. I went with more traditional English roses with this one rather than some new school tattoo style roses, I just thought they looked better with them. I could have blended that chocolate drizzle there a little better; especially if I was doing a closeup shot. For shame, Daniel. Shame on me and my laziness.
I'm working on another Dan portrait that I'll post on my Twitter & Instagram in the upcoming weeks. I love doing them, but there's so much work to them. I might do another Phil one at some point for Dan the Doodlebug but I won't make any promises on that one. I'm thinking the next doodlebug session will be tattoo themed or feature some of my favourite pieces I drew over the past year.
Have suggestions or requests?
Leave a comment or message me at one of the links below.
Be sure to subscribe/follow me for the latest artwork updates and more!
Thanks for checking out my art!
Here is the Sipping the Tea with Mr D take one portrait. I drew this right after his live show back in July of this year. I just loved the thumbnail that he made for the video. It was cute, sarcastic and really captured his sass. I paired it with a king's crown and some snazzy peony flowers. Why peonies? Because the lad is in love with Japan and it seemed to be perfect for the piece. Come to think of it in all the Dan portraits that I do either peonies or roses are featured. Two of my favourite flowers...the two flowers that I have tattooed all over me. Interesting. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to check out this epic piece. You can check out Dan here:
https://www.youtube.com/user/danisnotonfire (official channel)
https://www.youtube.com/user/danisnotinteresting (side channel)
https://www.youtube.com/user/DanAndPhilGAMES (gaming channel)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anjathesickboy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/darkdreamingdan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darkdreamingdaniel/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anjathesickboy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/darkdreamingdan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darkdreamingdaniel/
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