And welcome to another instalment of Tattoo Talk Thursdays here on Mental Masturbation!
A week ago I got another facial tattoo and I want to share the experience with you guys! I've also
answered some of the questions I received from friends and social media! The majority of the questions will be answered in a Tatoo Q+A next week! Feel free to ask it via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr.Links below as always! 👍🏻
You can also check out a few of my Tattoo Vlogs on my YouTube Channel. There are more to come so subscribe if you want to see more! I always post an announcement of a new video via Facebook and Twitter!
I've been going through a lot of shit lately and I just wanted to get something that would remind me to keep pushing on no matter what happened. I also wanted it in a place I could see daily so that I would constantly have the reminder; That happens to be difficult because almost both my arms are sleeved, my hands are just about finished and my shins are pretty much full too. I already have my throat planned out and the finishing touches on my chest, so I was left to wonder where I could get it done. I saw my stars on my left temple in the reflection of my iMac and I knew just the place where I could put the tattoo-Above the stars arching over my eyebrow! I messaged a tattooist mate of mine and asked him if he had time tonight to do the tattoo, even though it was getting rather late. He told me it was no problem and to pop over. I snagged the bus down and walked the mile to his shop. I haven't seen him in over a year and it was great to have time to catch up a bit as he's done quite a few pieces on me.
He asked me what I wanted to do and I produced a sketch of what I wanted. I'd found the image on the web and after checking to make sure to translation was correct, turned it into a stencil for the tattoo. The Tibetian to English translation is "strength". It was perfect for the situation. It implies not only strength but courage and the idea that you can achieve anything despite obstacles in your path.
He was into doing the tattoo for me. Not a lot of tattooists want to tattoo someone's face, but seeing as he's known me for over 7 years and I already had my 6 stars on my left temple and my Deutschland one on my right temple, he was willing to do it. There are some artists who'll do it regardless of knowing you and don't take into account your job or how many tattoos you have, those are the kinds of artists to avoid. Facial tattoos carry the most stigma out of all other tattoos. They're often associated with people who don't care about themselves, their work ethic or they assume that person has a criminal history. In my experience, all of the people I know with facial tattoos are hardworking individuals who have no history of criminal activity and they take care of themselves. I think that we need to work to break down this stigma by showing the world that our ink choices don't define who we are, they are merely a way of expressing certain aspects of ourselves, our loves or belief.
He was into doing the tattoo for me. Not a lot of tattooists want to tattoo someone's face, but seeing as he's known me for over 7 years and I already had my 6 stars on my left temple and my Deutschland one on my right temple, he was willing to do it. There are some artists who'll do it regardless of knowing you and don't take into account your job or how many tattoos you have, those are the kinds of artists to avoid. Facial tattoos carry the most stigma out of all other tattoos. They're often associated with people who don't care about themselves, their work ethic or they assume that person has a criminal history. In my experience, all of the people I know with facial tattoos are hardworking individuals who have no history of criminal activity and they take care of themselves. I think that we need to work to break down this stigma by showing the world that our ink choices don't define who we are, they are merely a way of expressing certain aspects of ourselves, our loves or belief.
We stencilled it on in one go. We decided that it wouldn't quite look right if it arched over my eyebrow and it could change the way the lettering is done in the arch, changing the meaning. Neither of us wanted that or the challenge to try and make it look right arching over the eyebrow. He suggested that we do it above the stars on a slight tilt and that I could add more stars if I wanted to fill in the little bit of space between the Tibetian tattoo and the older stars. I was into the idea. Maybe I could do more stars, 5 more sets of 3 and cover all the books in Harry's story! (The stencil appears backwards in this photo because of how I took it.)
I laid on the body table and put my right arm under my head to keep still. And it's extremely important to hold still with a facial tattoo. I mean it is with all other tattoos, but this one you can't really hide. Though my fringe does cover it when it's down. It took about 20 minutes for him to outline the tattoo with a single needle and then shade it in with the same outline needle. He's got a light hand and has good control over his machine. I don't know if I'd have wanted another artist to do the tattoo on my face.
The completed tattoo! This was taken about an hour after I got the tattoo done.
I'm going to do another blog about healing facial tattoos (specifically this one) and will
I'm going to do another blog about healing facial tattoos (specifically this one) and will
answer a bunch of tattoo questions I often get asked! I couldn't be more happy with this newest addition to me! And tomorrow out in Belleville, NJ I will be adding on and finishing the top of my left ribcage! There will be a blog on ribcage tattoos sometime next year. I've got a lot of things already planned out for the blog this month. Stay tuned for more! I will be putting the blogs on my Facebook so you guys can check them out there and I'm going to be adding them to my Tumblr blog. I'm not quite sure how I can turn these into YouTube videos, but I might just give it a go! If I do, I'll post about it and include links on my social medias!
Don't forget you can meet me in New York City THIS weekend!
Here are the dates in case you have trouble reading in the photo!
All of the meet- ups are free, except for the tickets for the Brooklyn Museum. Ticket prices differ based on age and student status. You can get all the info on their website here:
1. Brooklyn Museum 11.00 (talk art and new styles)
2.Rockefeller Center 1.30 (take pictures with the epic and historic tree and talk literature!!)
3. Union Square Holiday Market 2.15 (Get into the Christmas/ Holiday spirit checking out all the seasonal wears the market has to offer! It's my first time going to one of these in America! I've only ever been to Christmas Markets in the UK and Germany!)
4. PopBar 5.00 (Meet up here for the icon gelato and other treats after a long day out and about!!)
1. Barnes and Noble (Broadway) 9.00 (Bring a copy of any of my books and have it signed. Hang out with me after I set up things to have my new release "Little by Little" (which will be out 30 January 2017) and other things stocked at this Barnes and Noble! You can currently order Dopamine and The Suicide of a Wallflower via barnesandnoble.com ;33)
2. Disney Store (Times Square) 9.45 Check out all of the amazing and wondrous toys here.
:3 (Might be running a few moments late based on traffic and how many people I do see at Barnes and Noble.)

3. F.A.O. Schwarz 10.30 (Getting into my Kevin McCalister state of mind for the holidays with the toy store from Home Alone 2!)
I will keep everybody updated as I go about the city via Twitter, larger updates via Facebook and Instagram. My links are in the information bar but do ask if you need them! Thanks to everyone who's planning to come out and I'll see you all soon!!
And yes, you can give me a hug, just be careful cause I'll have a fresh upper rib tattoo! Can't wait to hang out with some of you guys!! If times or anything changes I will update via Twitter! And yes, I realise my old Insta name is on there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnjaAbsinthe/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anjathesickboy/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ichliebebillah
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anjathesickboy/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ichliebebillah
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