Almost two weeks ago I started watching the Umbrella Academy and almost immediately fell in love with Klaus as a character. He's so relatable to me, similar personality and style. I liked how he was a little altered in the show version from the comic series. He's goofy and macabre. perfect. Five is my other favourite character. He's a dick, he's smart and at the same time, he's a coffee addict and drinker. Two perfect characters. As my friends started watching the show, they all equated me with Klaus. No other character. All of them remarked that the character was basically a slightly older version of me. I saw some of the similarities, but I thought they were taking things a little out of proportion. Then I finished the series and realised that those jerkoffs had made a lot of good points.
I decided to take the ultimate test to see what character I really was. I've linked it below so you guys can take the test to see if you get your favourite character or one you never thought you'd see yourself as. The quiz took me about 5 minutes and I waited for the results and...Klaus. Cemented with Internet quiz wisdom. Oh Christ, remember those days? As a teenager you'd sit and take all these internet quizzes to tell you what kind of fruit you are or what flavour douche you are, hoping that these quizzes would provide you with an insight into yourself. Or that they'd help you define yourself some people actually defined themselves by their MySpace quizzes or what was that other site? It was just as popular, kind of like MySpce...Beebo! 15 year old me loved those sites, now at 27 I look back on it all and wonder why I spent so much time on these things, wasting away. I didn't gain any insight into myself, but it did help to take away some of the loneliness that consumed my teen years.
I love the result. I'd honestly have been pissed if I got Vanya. She's so boring and aggravating in the show. Personally, I think Ellen Page is vanilla and not that great an actress. I really don't see the appeal in casting her. I understand wanting to put bigger names on a project, but her? She just ruins and sucks the life out of every character I've ever seen her portray. Also, she reminds me of the sister who constantly pisses me off. Both of them do, but the boring one most of the time. I can't wait to see what they do with the on-screen Klaus. I really don't want to see a child version of him. I'm gonna be honest. I love him as the fucked up, tattooed hilarious adult that he is and I don't want them meddling with that. Am I the only one?

I decided to take the ultimate test to see what character I really was. I've linked it below so you guys can take the test to see if you get your favourite character or one you never thought you'd see yourself as. The quiz took me about 5 minutes and I waited for the results and...Klaus. Cemented with Internet quiz wisdom. Oh Christ, remember those days? As a teenager you'd sit and take all these internet quizzes to tell you what kind of fruit you are or what flavour douche you are, hoping that these quizzes would provide you with an insight into yourself. Or that they'd help you define yourself some people actually defined themselves by their MySpace quizzes or what was that other site? It was just as popular, kind of like MySpce...Beebo! 15 year old me loved those sites, now at 27 I look back on it all and wonder why I spent so much time on these things, wasting away. I didn't gain any insight into myself, but it did help to take away some of the loneliness that consumed my teen years.
I love the result. I'd honestly have been pissed if I got Vanya. She's so boring and aggravating in the show. Personally, I think Ellen Page is vanilla and not that great an actress. I really don't see the appeal in casting her. I understand wanting to put bigger names on a project, but her? She just ruins and sucks the life out of every character I've ever seen her portray. Also, she reminds me of the sister who constantly pisses me off. Both of them do, but the boring one most of the time. I can't wait to see what they do with the on-screen Klaus. I really don't want to see a child version of him. I'm gonna be honest. I love him as the fucked up, tattooed hilarious adult that he is and I don't want them meddling with that. Am I the only one?

You can take the quiz here too! https://www.popbuzz.com/tv-film/quizzes/which-member-of-the-umbrella-academy-are-you/
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