Tattoo Talk Thursday: Thinking About A Palm Tattoo

I want to get something simple because the simplest designs hold up best there. All I really want to get there is the outline of an ouija board planchette. I think that would be really badass having that. And yes, I do work with my hands quite a bit, but it doesn't mean that I can't wear latex gloves while doing it. And what about work? Well, my hands are already fully tattooed and I have a regular normal job in addition to my other streams of income. I'm not too worried about any of that. I can always find some kind of work I think. And if all else fails, there's prostitution, so really, there are plenty of options. It just depends on how far you're willing to go for your art and your self-expression.
I've already asked a few artists I know about palm tattoos, filling in what I didn't know with their personal know-how. Some palm tattoos fade. It depends on the depth the artist goes, the design, the technique. You don't want to go too deep and risk damaging the palm. I'm not too worried about the pain either. I've sat through a lot of pain and live with pain a large percentage of the time. I think it would actually be nice to have some temporary pain; it would give me something else to focus on for a short amount of time. The touch-ups wouldn't be so bad either. What about the cost? Not too worried about that either, most of the time in life, you have to spend money on the things you want and beauty in this day and age is rarely ever free. I see this as just another form of self-expression, a new high that I'm chasing. I want it. I need it. I will do it. It was the same with my hands 6 years ago, my throat 3 years ago and my face 3-4 years ago. It's chasing a new sort of extreme that I never thought I'd want to chase. It's oh so thrilling. And the price? I'm willing to pay it. I've paid dearly for almost everything I have in my life, what's one more thing?
Why do I want to get the ouija board planchette? I love all things related to death. I'm fascinated and obsessed with it. I find the macabre beautiful, stimulating and more often than not relaxing. So much of my life has revolved around death, even as a young child that it's my normal. I love all things creepy, strange and abnormal. Who wants to be just like everyone else anyway? People are going to hate me no matter what I like, do or say, so I might as well try to do the things I like so that I can be almost comfortable or dare I say, even like myself?
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