THE BIG 500!

500 blog posts.
I didn't think I'd reach this many blog posts or stick with blogging as long as I have. I started Mental Masturbation in 2016. God my early stuff on here was cringy as fuck. I was feeling the waters, trying to find a groove for this platform. I'd written quite a few books by then so I was comfortable with writing, but blogging was a rather new adventure for me. In my early teen years I started out writing fanfiction and it blew up from there. Eventually, it led me to winning a national poetry contest in 2007 and having my work published for the first time! I have the certificate somewhere around here. 500 is such a milestone and achievement! I'm really looking forward to working on Mental Masturbation and reach 1,000 blogs! That's my next goal. It took me less than 3 years to reach 500, maybe I can do that again? I'm a goal driven person, usually within reason.
A lot has changed on Mental Masturbation in the past 3 years. I've taken some of the focus away from other projects and focused them on others. Sometimes I didn't want to do that, but sometimes you need to give the people what they want. I've changed the focus on Delectables with Dan for the most part. It's mainly vegan dishes now, but there will be others thrown in when I bake for others who are non-vegans. I'm really proud of what I've accomplished with the Delectables series and I can't wait to expand it even further. I've gotten a lot of great feedback from co-workers on my treats and rave reviews so that's boosted my confidence a little. I've changed some of the focus away from mental health, beause doing some of the blogs on it has really just made me feel worse when I get notes to kill myself or worse. I really don't need that kind of abuse. Sometimes the blogs actually make me feel more iscolated and voiceless, like it doesn't matter what I say because I'm not anything special. I might do some blogs on it later through the year, but currently, I don't really have any plans to. I'm still doing blogs of a personal nature, just not as direct.
I'm aiming to share more of my work on Mental Masturbation. Some of the content that I post here won't be featured in my books, but the majority of it will. I love sharing snippets from the Happiness & Homicide universe, that's really getting a lot of attention, which I love. The story is a way for me to explore avanues not only of life, but of writing and allows me to blow off steam. I'm going to continue writing about my trips and many adventures throughout life, not only just to share with you guys, but as a way for me to remember the trips I've taken. God, how I wish I could go back to Bergen right now...anyway, I have some travel stories that I'm going to dig out of my old archives going back to 2012 so I can start sharing them. I might add photos, who knows?
My art series has been a hit, but I haven't done many of them so I'm going to try and get a few new Dan the Doodlebugs put together. I don't have a lot of time to draw these days and when I do these blogs I have to stop and take photos as the work progresses. Sometimes that really throws me off; I lose my concentration and I can't finish pieces. (I literally have like 20-30 unfinished drawings on my desk right now, in a large black folder.)
Are there any things that you guys want to see on Mental Masturbation? Any sort of content you want me to add or make more of? Let me know! Email: with your suggestions and I'll see what I can do about turning some of your suggestions into content!
Thank you all for the support over the last 3 years and hopefully I'll have a lot more to add on this blog in the next 3 years!
Under Daniel Bechum
As You Were:
Glass Hysteria:
**There will be an official Amazon author page created for my works under my name Daniel Bechum coming soon!
Under Anja Absinthe
Photography / Merch:
My website:
**There is an official website for my books and other literary works coming soon. I'm in the process of building it and adding all the information, but it takes time and I have loads of other things I've got going on. Sorry about that.
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