TATTOO TALK THURSDAY: Filler Tattoos & Taking My Sister To Get Her First One!

It's that time again, but this time I took my little sister Peaches to get her first tattoo! She didn't want to have her wrist featured in the blog, but we did get matching tattoos so photos of my fresh ink are featured in the blog.
Right now I'm not working on getting any large pieces, I'm focusing on filling in the free spaces on my arms and legs. Earlier this year I did some filler work on my right arm, so not to be outdone, I got a little filler piece on my right ankle.
I sketched out a lemon slice and a cute little flower. At this junction, you might be asking yourselves why a lemon slice and a flower? It's a two-part answer. Peaches and I decided to get matching tattoos for the film The Wolf of Wallstreet staring Leo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill because we LOVE the film. Our favourite scene is when they have the delayed reactions to the lemons and Jordan is all fucked up at the country club, meanwhile, back at his house Donnie is all fucked up and talking business getting them both in trouble with the FBI who's wiretapped the house. You can watch the clip on YouTube if you've not seen the film-which you really should. The lemons are actually another term for a highly potent quaalude which they repeatedly abuse throughout the film. At first, we thought about adding a little pill to the bottom of it, but then we thought it would be an obvious drug reference (not that we're off taking anything like that) and we wanted to keep that a little joke between ourselves. The flower is a representation of our nan, who also loved the film. We wanted to get something that reminded us of going to the cinema with her and her enjoyment of films with us. Her favourite tree was her beloved crabapple tree, so we went with a small flower for that; Most crabapple trees have brilliant pink flowers so we went with a vibrant pink colour for the tattoo and added a few leaves for balance.
Right now I'm not working on getting any large pieces, I'm focusing on filling in the free spaces on my arms and legs. Earlier this year I did some filler work on my right arm, so not to be outdone, I got a little filler piece on my right ankle.
I sketched out a lemon slice and a cute little flower. At this junction, you might be asking yourselves why a lemon slice and a flower? It's a two-part answer. Peaches and I decided to get matching tattoos for the film The Wolf of Wallstreet staring Leo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill because we LOVE the film. Our favourite scene is when they have the delayed reactions to the lemons and Jordan is all fucked up at the country club, meanwhile, back at his house Donnie is all fucked up and talking business getting them both in trouble with the FBI who's wiretapped the house. You can watch the clip on YouTube if you've not seen the film-which you really should. The lemons are actually another term for a highly potent quaalude which they repeatedly abuse throughout the film. At first, we thought about adding a little pill to the bottom of it, but then we thought it would be an obvious drug reference (not that we're off taking anything like that) and we wanted to keep that a little joke between ourselves. The flower is a representation of our nan, who also loved the film. We wanted to get something that reminded us of going to the cinema with her and her enjoyment of films with us. Her favourite tree was her beloved crabapple tree, so we went with a small flower for that; Most crabapple trees have brilliant pink flowers so we went with a vibrant pink colour for the tattoo and added a few leaves for balance.

We really didn't have to change much. Peaches wanted the tattoo in the centre of her thick little wrist and I wanted mine on what she and Puffnstuff like to call my "chicken ankle" so it worked out well. If she'd wanted it to cover her wrist, we'd have to have done two different sizes. We got it on me in one go. The artist we had was great with that. I really like when you work with an artist who has not only artistic talent but people skills. It's an important part of the job that not a lot of people realise.
I honestly didn't think that I'd ever get a matching tattoo with her, but it's really nice that we have them. It makes me think maybe she'll be more accepting of me in the future. It itches like mad right now and I can't wait for it to stop. I think that is the worst part of the tattoo process-I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take any amount of pain over the goddamn itching.
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