Maple Madness!
If you guys have read the previous blog Dan x Dan do New England, you would have seen that I did a bit of travel recently and picked up a few things while away. Maple candy floss. Now, despite running a baking blog series and planning to open a bakery, I'm not really that much of a sweets person. Maybe that's a good thing. As well as the candy floss I got some maple candy as well. I think that I've had maple sugar candies before, but I just can't remember them. Below I'll leave some links where you can order from various places if you want to try it out for yourselves.
The maple candy floss is done just like the other flavours they offer, just with a maple flavouring. I read somewhere they used like a maple sugar thing? Maybe it was just that company, don't hold me to it. It smells good, rich and mapley. It honestly feels a bit like cotton wool. It's soft and has a bit of a thicker feel to it than regular candy floss. Well, here goes nothing.
It's sweet. Sickly sweet. It doesn't taste as good as it smelled. I feel let down. It's literally just sugar. I don't know why I was expecting something more. It's like swallowing maple sugar with normal sugar. It's pretty revolting. I can't take the sweet. I don't like it. Nope, Nope. That's a bag of nope from me. I'll give it to the little sugar queen that lives in my house. She'll love this.
Watch my reaction here:
Well, that was a flop and a half. Let's try the other bit of maple candy that I've got.
It's made from real maple, well imagine that. It's done as a little pumpkin as well! I thought it was cute when I first got it, but seeing it up close, that piece of candy looks like Freddy Kruger and not a happy Halloween Jack-O-Lantern. Why is it done like a Jack-O-Lantern if it's maple candy? Shouldn't it be shaped like a maple leaf? Gotta have something for everyone is the best answer that I could come up with for that.
It's made from real maple, well imagine that. It's done as a little pumpkin as well! I thought it was cute when I first got it, but seeing it up close, that piece of candy looks like Freddy Kruger and not a happy Halloween Jack-O-Lantern. Why is it done like a Jack-O-Lantern if it's maple candy? Shouldn't it be shaped like a maple leaf? Gotta have something for everyone is the best answer that I could come up with for that.
This shit was expensive! Like, I couldn't believe it! They charged me $4.50 for this tiny ass thing! Maybe it just looks smaller while it's in my giant ass hand. Jesus, it's even worse up close. On second thought, it looks more like the Misfits logo than Freddy Kruger. Maybe they're secretly invested in the sugar mapeling of New England...the world will never know.
Here we go.
It's a smoothy texture, kind of like spun beach sand. You know those little statues they sometimes sell down at the seaside? It smells lovely. But you can't always rely on smell. It's not hard, but it's not soft either. It's a happy medium between the two. I'm kind of scared to bite it. I don't know if it will melt, if I have to chew it or if it's filled with some kind of syrup inside. Wouldn't it have said so if it was?

Yes, I think I remember having this before. Holy shit. This is something else. I can't eat it all, but it's confusingly nice. I think its the whole texture thing that's throwing me off. It's not as annoying sweet as the maple candy floss was, it's got more depth to the flavour, not just HEY IM SWEET!!
I was going to include a video clip of me eating part of the candy but it upon watching it back, it just looked like I was eating pussy and well, oh you know what? Screw it. I'll upload the goof one that I sent to my mate. Most of my audience is over 18 anyway.
If you're easily offended by things of a sexual nature, a. I don't understand why you'd be reading any of my shit as 80-85% of it is either about sex or has sexual undertones/profanity. Heavy on the profanity really. And b. maybe it's time you grew a set and start acting like a little girl. Unless you are a little girl and in that case, you shouldn't be here.
I'm not really sold on the whole maple thing, but Peaches loves it and it is rather popular. I'm thinking of doing a maple-themed for Delectables with Dan. I'll have to get the shit together, so if I do, it will be in mid-October.
I got my t-shirt in Denmark when I was in Copenhagen in 2014 but you can buy a similar t-shirt here:
Buy Candy:
I got my t-shirt in Denmark when I was in Copenhagen in 2014 but you can buy a similar t-shirt here:
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