One Year On T!

Hard to believe but this month, I am one year on testosterone! It doesn't seem like it's been a year but it has been. I'm happy with some of the changes and a little impatient with some of them. I've gotten a little hairier, I need to shave more often and my skin is amazingly clear for the most part. I only have a little excess oil in my t-zone but that's eh. It only happens in the summer weather. 
Testosterone is amazing. 
I notice that I store more fat in the middle than in my hips like I did before and my voice has dropped a little bit. It's harder to hit high notes than it was before. I haven't really had any of the nasty side effects that can occur with testosterone hormone replacement therapy. I noticed that I sweat a little more often, but it's really not a bad thing. I have more muscle definition in my arms, shoulders and upper chest. 
I've actually experienced better moods since being on testosterone, despite having bipolar disorder. I know that it can sometimes make mood swings worse, but for the most part nothing there has changed for the worse. I'm on good meds and have a medical team helping me, not only with my transition but my mental health as well. 

Got some cake to celebrate this one-year milestone! I can't wait to see what changes I go through over the next year or so! What about all you guys, gals and non-binary pals? What is it like being on hormones for you? I might do a check-in at a year and a half, but I'm not really sure yet. I will be doing a blog on starting my journey on T and how it progressed up to one year. I thought about doing it first but I'm also writing it out for my book "Becoming Daniel" so it wasn't finished for the one year anniversary.



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