Dan's Orange Creamcicle Bliss

I love the creamy orange colour of the chews. There's just something about them that screams summer fun and that's what I've got on my mind right now; summer fun. I mean, within reason, I just had major surgery and I do have to return to work next week. They don't really have a fruity scent to them if they did that would be just ace. I eat four of them in one go and wait for the high to slowly creep into my veins. It always starts slow and then it hits me like a lorry truck. It starts at the tips of my toes and works its way throughout my entire body.
I'm filled with giggles. There's something in this that's more potent. It's making me horny as hell. Best of all there's a massive thunderstorm coming. I love to climax with the rolls of thunder. Cracks of light illuminate the sky and I feel the tension rising within me. It spreads to every part of my body. There is no escape from it. Marcy Playground's Sex and Candy starts playing in the background. A perfect mood song. I feel the breath caught in my chest when I think of him. His softness against me, me sucking on his sides. I can never get enough. I'm caught up in a whirlwind of emotion and thought. The fan sends cool waves over me, lowering my raging fever. There is just something about him that drives my core temperature through the roof. I wish I could spend all my time pressed up against him; even after all this time I still want him as badly as I did the first time I saw him. There is just something addictive about this man. Despite the others I've crushed on or had, he's the one I always think about. He might just be the love of my life. I don't want him to be the one that got away.
I'm munching on some peanut butter cup cookies when it hits me that I've not had a pot cookie in 5 years; not since I was living in LA. I love cookies. They should really have them around here. Or the brownies. Those were so good. They should really make a marijuana ice-cream. I'd buy it. I know a lot of people who would too. Maybe I can corner the market on that-oh my God, I really want ice-cream now. Black raspberry with chocolate sauce. Fuck, I don't have any whipped cream. NOOO. But I have Halloween sprinkles. Yasss. Maybe I can run out later and get some whipped cream. Just eat that sucker out of the can.
After my ice-cream, my thoughts start to wander. It feels like I'm smack dab in the centre of Oliver and Company. (If you haven't seen the film, I highly suggest it.) I love sitting with the fan washing over me. The cool air feels like 1,000 lizard tongues crawling all over me. I can't explain why, but fuck me, that is some vivid imagery. Black Hole Sun starts to consume me and it feels like I'm an ice-cream cone melting out in the summer sun. Slowly dripping down a child's hands while ants gather at his feet. The heat radiates off the pavement, reflecting against the lenses of his shades...And I think, why just not take all the pills that I have? I have enough to die, if not more. I have lethal combinations here with warning labels all over the bottles. The strange orange-yellow and white containers stare through me from their place on the shelf. Nobody sings like this anymore...Who needs a meat puppet anyway?
It's been raining for days now. Or what feels like days. Splashing against the window are fat droplets of water. There is just something pure and innocent about it. I can't put it into words. I want it to touch me. I want to be cooled by something as organic as this. I love it when it rains. A certain slumber falls over the Earth when it rains. It's beautiful. It feels as if time slows down. I want to curl up into a ball and sleep, but I find my mind slipping away.
I'm a child once again, swimming in the crystal clear waters of a river that runs behind my mate's house. The water is cold, but under the early summer sun, it's a welcomed relief from the heat. Small fish swim around our toes and even smaller frogs hop along, skimming our fingertips. The trees shade us from eyes as we take our clothes off and jump into the water. We don't know any better. There's no judgement. We explore each other's bodies and laugh, comparing scars and scrapes. It's before we know any better.
I feel like I'm drowning in memories. My brain slips into overdrive. I start dancing around to Taylor Swift, letting all the thoughts and emotions pulse through my veins. I feel like a marionette and someone is pulling my strings all over, but in a positive way. My body is loose and limber. I just gotta move. I've been in bed too long I need to get up and stretch. I need to see what this newish body has to offer me. Without that unwanted weight on my chest, I move freely. It feels like more than just a weight has been lifted off me. I start to giggle, exploring this new physical freedom I've been craving for years.
There's been some more progress on my current projects! With any luck, I'll have Dan's High Flying Adventures out in time for this years Halloween! I've got some reviews to pen, some adventures to scribble down and some thoughts to reflect on before getting to work on the final draft of the book! I'm so excited to share this with you guys, gals and everyone in between!
I'm a child once again, swimming in the crystal clear waters of a river that runs behind my mate's house. The water is cold, but under the early summer sun, it's a welcomed relief from the heat. Small fish swim around our toes and even smaller frogs hop along, skimming our fingertips. The trees shade us from eyes as we take our clothes off and jump into the water. We don't know any better. There's no judgement. We explore each other's bodies and laugh, comparing scars and scrapes. It's before we know any better.
I feel like I'm drowning in memories. My brain slips into overdrive. I start dancing around to Taylor Swift, letting all the thoughts and emotions pulse through my veins. I feel like a marionette and someone is pulling my strings all over, but in a positive way. My body is loose and limber. I just gotta move. I've been in bed too long I need to get up and stretch. I need to see what this newish body has to offer me. Without that unwanted weight on my chest, I move freely. It feels like more than just a weight has been lifted off me. I start to giggle, exploring this new physical freedom I've been craving for years.
There's been some more progress on my current projects! With any luck, I'll have Dan's High Flying Adventures out in time for this years Halloween! I've got some reviews to pen, some adventures to scribble down and some thoughts to reflect on before getting to work on the final draft of the book! I'm so excited to share this with you guys, gals and everyone in between!
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