The Wettening Year 4, 1999
I'm sitting in the middle of the classroom when it happens.
I fucking wet my pants.
Yes, you heard correctly. I wet myself right there in front of God and everyone.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's journey back to the start of this magical tale.
In the school, in some of the classrooms, they had a unisex bathroom at the back of the class which we were allowed to use during break time. I'd had to pee since the start of morning lessons, but didn't want to miss anything and I was also far too shy to draw attention to myself by asking permission to go to the toilet. I figured I could hold until 11:00 for our 15-minute break. I did.
Before I could get up there was already 5 people in line for the bathroom. I don't remember the reason why, but I was told that I couldn't leave to use the other bathrooms down the hall. I told her it was an emergency and she told me that I could just wait a few minutes. If there was any more room in my bladder, my heart would have dropped into it. I tried to argue, but she wouldn't let me. I raced to the back of the classroom and got in line. No one would let me cut ahead of them. I was ready to start leaking.
I was the next in line for the toilet when Mrs S announced it was time for us to take our seats and do our maths before lunch. I told her it wouldn't take long that I needed to go and she told me to just wait a little bit longer. I couldn't. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it. I was either going to explode or internally drown. We weren't even 5 minutes into the lesson when the dam broke. I just couldn't hold back the tide anymore. And of course, in a classroom full of 8-year-old kids there is no discretion, (Once again, it's something I failed to fully develop as I became an adult.) so someone screamed out that I'd wet my pants. The classroom erupted in laughter and finger pointing. My uniform was completely soaked and I didn't have a spare one. I couldn't even stop peeing even though they had pointed it out and were laughing. There was a huge puddle left in the wake of my shame and the anger of the teacher.
My mum was at work that day so she couldn't really get away and bring me a spare one, so I ended up wearing one from the lost property. I don't know why someone's uniform trousers would be in lost property, but there were some in there. I had to return to the class after and I could feel the eyes of my classmates on me. And Emily, the class bully never let me forget it either. Polly Pissy Pants or the Mad Wetter. She'd bring it up at recess or at lunch. This went on for almost three years. It's a miracle that I didn't hit her. It was probably a good thing I didn't because her father was some sort of rich lawyer cocksucker who thought he walked on water.
Sometimes I still have flashbacks of the urine dripping off the underbars of the seat. I remember the sopping feeling of the clothes and how they clung to my skin. I sometimes fear this when I have to be out in public for a long period of time. I panic that I will wet my pants and then the shame will be even greater because I'm in my mid 20's. And everyone has fucking camera phones. And social media. Maybe I should just not leave the house anymore. I can't-

(Artist's rendition of me sitting in my urine puddle)
I felt relief because I thought my bladder was going to explode and kill me, which actually can't happen and a crushing sense of shame. I was angry too and was for the rest of the school year as well. Each time I'd see that woman in the halls, I'd be filled with a burning rage and would have to struggle against the urges to hurt her. She was a nasty, unhappy woman. I hoped she'd lose her teaching license after that incident, but from what I gather she taught for another 10 years almost before getting sacked. I hope she's scrubbing toilets in some low-class cat house. Fucking bitch!
I had to see her snooty face for two more years following this incident before I left the school. That's just another example of that caring, love your fellow man shit you hear about from the Catholics. Piss up.
If you guys have some embarrassing childhood stories I'd love for you to share them! Let me know that I'm not alone in my wet shame. It doesn't have to even be a pissing story.
I'm sitting in the middle of the classroom when it happens.
I fucking wet my pants.
Yes, you heard correctly. I wet myself right there in front of God and everyone.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's journey back to the start of this magical tale.
In the school, in some of the classrooms, they had a unisex bathroom at the back of the class which we were allowed to use during break time. I'd had to pee since the start of morning lessons, but didn't want to miss anything and I was also far too shy to draw attention to myself by asking permission to go to the toilet. I figured I could hold until 11:00 for our 15-minute break. I did.
Before I could get up there was already 5 people in line for the bathroom. I don't remember the reason why, but I was told that I couldn't leave to use the other bathrooms down the hall. I told her it was an emergency and she told me that I could just wait a few minutes. If there was any more room in my bladder, my heart would have dropped into it. I tried to argue, but she wouldn't let me. I raced to the back of the classroom and got in line. No one would let me cut ahead of them. I was ready to start leaking.
I was the next in line for the toilet when Mrs S announced it was time for us to take our seats and do our maths before lunch. I told her it wouldn't take long that I needed to go and she told me to just wait a little bit longer. I couldn't. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it. I was either going to explode or internally drown. We weren't even 5 minutes into the lesson when the dam broke. I just couldn't hold back the tide anymore. And of course, in a classroom full of 8-year-old kids there is no discretion, (Once again, it's something I failed to fully develop as I became an adult.) so someone screamed out that I'd wet my pants. The classroom erupted in laughter and finger pointing. My uniform was completely soaked and I didn't have a spare one. I couldn't even stop peeing even though they had pointed it out and were laughing. There was a huge puddle left in the wake of my shame and the anger of the teacher.
My mum was at work that day so she couldn't really get away and bring me a spare one, so I ended up wearing one from the lost property. I don't know why someone's uniform trousers would be in lost property, but there were some in there. I had to return to the class after and I could feel the eyes of my classmates on me. And Emily, the class bully never let me forget it either. Polly Pissy Pants or the Mad Wetter. She'd bring it up at recess or at lunch. This went on for almost three years. It's a miracle that I didn't hit her. It was probably a good thing I didn't because her father was some sort of rich lawyer cocksucker who thought he walked on water.
Sometimes I still have flashbacks of the urine dripping off the underbars of the seat. I remember the sopping feeling of the clothes and how they clung to my skin. I sometimes fear this when I have to be out in public for a long period of time. I panic that I will wet my pants and then the shame will be even greater because I'm in my mid 20's. And everyone has fucking camera phones. And social media. Maybe I should just not leave the house anymore. I can't-

(Artist's rendition of me sitting in my urine puddle)
I felt relief because I thought my bladder was going to explode and kill me, which actually can't happen and a crushing sense of shame. I was angry too and was for the rest of the school year as well. Each time I'd see that woman in the halls, I'd be filled with a burning rage and would have to struggle against the urges to hurt her. She was a nasty, unhappy woman. I hoped she'd lose her teaching license after that incident, but from what I gather she taught for another 10 years almost before getting sacked. I hope she's scrubbing toilets in some low-class cat house. Fucking bitch!
I had to see her snooty face for two more years following this incident before I left the school. That's just another example of that caring, love your fellow man shit you hear about from the Catholics. Piss up.
If you guys have some embarrassing childhood stories I'd love for you to share them! Let me know that I'm not alone in my wet shame. It doesn't have to even be a pissing story.
Delectables with Dan Series
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