Now, we all know that Easter is a time for sacrifice. In my case, it's sacrificing those that I deem unworthy to my BFF, otherwise known as the ruler of the underworld, Lucifer. <He's really a lovely chap once you get to know him.>
Let's get started then, shall we?
I started out with an ordinary strawberry cake mix. And added the eggs, oil and water as the directions told me to...Then I sprinkled in a little devil magic...I began to mix it with a cooking spoon before using the hand mixer to make sure that the cake batter was as smooth as the velvet lining of Lucifer's suits. Mix on medium-high for about 3 minutes, scraping down batter off the side with a rubber scraper. MAKE IT COUNT.
I started out with an ordinary strawberry cake mix. And added the eggs, oil and water as the directions told me to...Then I sprinkled in a little devil magic...I began to mix it with a cooking spoon before using the hand mixer to make sure that the cake batter was as smooth as the velvet lining of Lucifer's suits. Mix on medium-high for about 3 minutes, scraping down batter off the side with a rubber scraper. MAKE IT COUNT.
Mix until mix is smooth and silky. It will be a medium pink in colour. It's perfect. When it bakes, it will become a lighter pink, but will still pack all that sacrificial strawberry flavour that you came here for. If you want, this is the time to add diced strawberries to your batter. I chose not to do it because I knew that I would be adding edible glitter to the top, but it's totally up to you. Go wild with that fruit. Though ol' Luce prefers apples. Hmm. Maybe I'll do an apple sponge cake...Challenge accepted.

This is what your batter should look like before you pour it into the baking tins. I should have mentioned this earlier, but we're not using hell-flame to baked this bad boy, so you should pre-heat your oven to 175C (350F) Sorry I was being a space cadet and forgot to mention it! Make sure the batter is evenly dispersed in your two baking tins before putting them into bake for 30-35 minutes. Make sure that it's fully baked before removing it, the Dark Overlord won't appreciate a runny cake.
And here we have our two cakes baked to perfection! The golden brown bottoms of the cake are just want you want. Allow them to cool for a solid hour before spreading a thin layer of icing on the bottom of your first cake. (It will technically be the top as the top will become the bottom, as you will flip the cake to get that smooth top that you desire as seen below. Carefully add the second cake with its golden brown bottom facing the heavens. Carefully ice the top and the sides of the cake with a vanilla icing. (I whipped mine before I went to ice the cake. It gives it a nice lil something extra.) 
Once your cake is evenly iced on the sides and top of the cake it's time to decorate! I got these Peeps off Amazon just for this cake, it was after I put them on the cake that I realised the scene resembled something eerily familiar. Then when I used a black and white filter to snap a picture of the cake and then it hit me. It looked like one of those scenes you see in witchcraft books, demon worshiper ceremonies. It struck me odd and I felt a bit of unease. I hadn't planned this. I just thought it would be cute to put the bunnies around the cake and add some edible glitter to make some lovely grass. But fuck me, you take the colour away and it looks like their laying in the blood of a sacrifice and are worshipping the one still standing.
Aww, it's so cute and fluffy, isn't it?
Not anymore.
Not anymore.
Here we are at the end of another Delectables with Dan, but don't worry there will be one more this week and other's next week as we prepare for Easter. (No sacrifices included in those, I'm afraid.)
And I made this cake before the Dan & Phil Craft's April Fools Video, so it's my demon bunnies. All mine. Felt like I had to say that....Anyway, thanks for reading and make sure that you do your best during this season of sacrifice to do your part and give something back to the man who's always honoured and nurtured your human desires, Lucifer.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/darkdreamingdan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anjathesickboy/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/darkdreamingdan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anjathesickboy/
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