Delectables with Dan: The Coffee Cake
This morning I couldn't sleep, probably to do lil Phil's arm in my fucking ribcage, so rather than just lay in bed staring at the glowing stars above me, I got up and decided to bake. I used a recipe that I found online and altered it to what I wanted to do. The link to the original is below as always. So, here we go!
1. Preheat your oven to 180C or Gas Mark 4 or 350F!
While your oven is heating up you'll want to make your streusel crumble mix for the top.
In a separate bowl, you're going to take 4 tablespoons of brown sugar (pack it into the spoon before you add each spoonful to the bowl) 4 tablespoons of scone mix, 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon, and two tablespoons of semi-firm butter. Combined together in a small bowl and mix until crumbly in appearance. Set aside until you'll need it. (Stupid me forgot to take a photo of that. >_<)
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine 240g of scone mix, 160 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 1 large egg. Add little bits of your streusel mix into the batter once you've completely mixed it. (I think it adds for a more flavourful cake.) I don't know what my obsession with this bowl is. I have so many other bowls in my kitchen but I almost always end up using this one. Can someone be addicted to bowls? I should google this...
3. Let your mix sit for a minute as you grease your pan For this type of cake, I used vegetable shortening (Trex) to grease it. And Christ am I glad I did, when I cut a slice out it slid out like there was no tomorrow. Now that your pan is greased, pour in your batter and make sure that it is evenly spread. You don't want dents in your finished product!
4. Once you are sure that your mixture is distributed evenly in your pan, you're going to take your
streusel mix you made earlier and sprinkle it evenly across the top of your mix. Slide it into bake for 15-20 minutes or until top is golden brown. Test to make sure that top is springy and your cake is all the way cooked before turning off oven and placing it on a rack to cool.
Le Finish
Golden, fluffy and perfect. What else could you ask for in a coffee cake?
I don't mind telling you guys this but it smelled so good, I was almost ready
I don't mind telling you guys this but it smelled so good, I was almost ready
to get intimate with it. (Thank you to Oz for telling all of us impressionable young
teenagers what third base feels like. And mad props to Jim who actually stuck his dick
in an apple pie. To this day, I still wonder what type of apple pie it was and if the juice
was really worth the squeeze.)
Serve slightly warm or cool with coffee/tea (some people even do hot chocolate)-Or, get ready
Serve slightly warm or cool with coffee/tea (some people even do hot chocolate)-Or, get ready
for this-with icecream! Yeah! Vanilla ice cream. I heard it was a thing and I'm like that's weird
then I tried it and was like, "FUCK ME! I'VE BEEN DOING THIS WRONG ALL MY LIFE!!"
And there we have it. Another wonder landed chapter in the Delectables with Dan chronicles.
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Here's my little slice of Heaven.
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Catch you guys soon with an all new Delectables with Dan!
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