Danny & Pork Chop Go To New Haven: Museum Boii (Ep1)
Because I spent 4 hours at the tattoo shop yesterday, I didn't have time to go to the museums or the Pez Welcome Centre like I wanted to. Actually, the Pez thing was the entire reason for the trip. I wake up early, but later than the time I usually get up for work and stretch. It's dead quiet. I love it. I need a break from the constant noise in my daily life. Sometimes I just want to bask in the silence. Everything opens around 10am on Saturday, so we take our time getting ready. I was reading a little bit about the history of New Haven and I saw they have the oldest cemetery in the United States. Sold. I love spooky, haunted shit. I love pushing the boundaries of what I know, exploring, not to mention I'm a complete fucking history nerd.
I need something snazzy, yet fashionable for today's adventure. I settle on my well oversized Topman jumper and black bottoms. Perfect amount of edgy low-key emo-ness, history buff and warm style. I don my never far way Bobble and Squeak Deluxe Dan knit hat, overly long knit pom-pom black neck wrap and matching black gloves and head out into the icy morning, Pork Chop right behind me. The cold is refreshing as it hits me. I hope it lasts; I'm going to be out and about the entire day.
The street is silent. There is not a person, animal or car in sight. It feels like I'm walking through a ghost town. It's strange for 9:30 in the morning on a Saturday, especially the weekend before Christmas. I'd expect to see last-minute shoppers running around. Nothing. The silence is almost eerie. It smells like London. I can't explain why. I love it. I want to bottle up the scent and take it with me so when I miss my beloved city I can just have a little bit of it. God, I make it sound like London is a drug and I'm hopelessly addicted to it. Maybe it is. Maybe I am. Does one ever really know?
The air is filled with little icy knives that stab into my lungs every time I breathe in. I wrap my scarf around my mouth to help take some of the sting away as I breathe in. I walk through the cemetery gates. It's a city of the dead, just as it was intended to be. I think of all the lives that are buried deep in the soil. It's strange that people die and become part of the earth. I don't want to be buried. I don't want to be eaten by anything. The idea turns my stomach. I love watching rates of decomposition because it's interesting, I just don't want it for me. I don't want to lay on a metal slab while a medical examiner pokes around inside my decayed insides.
The silence echos between the tombstones. I walk around and through the entire cemetery. I have an hour before the first museum opens, so why not take my time in here? The sun hangs in the sky, the grey of the clouds dulling it out. I can't feel any of its warmth. A feeling of haunting falls over me. It feels like there's something screaming inside me. I want to lay on the frosty ground and let the little snowflakes falling down hit me. I want my warmth to melt them so it doesn't appear that I've been crying. My loneliness is compounded in this minute. If we hadn't have argued he'd be here with me. Why do we have to be like this? Why does he always have to be like this? Using my sadness, using my desire to be loved as a weapon against me when he's angry? Never once have I revoked my love from him, yet he can do it on a whim. I'm stupid for wanting him in all the ways that I do.
I look through the camera lens and try to push my thoughts of him out of me. The sun looks evil in the sky. Everything is starting to feel uncomfortable. I feel vulnerable and exposed.
I leave the cemetery and make my way to the National History Museum. I've been dying to check out the dinosaur exhibit. You all know how much I love dinosaurs and it was the last weekend they were going to have it open before the museum closed for renovations. I got here just in time. I'm glad that I didn't wait because they won't open the museum fully again until 2022 or something like that. That year doesn't even seem like it's real. Insanity. I start thinking about the years and start to have a mini-crisis. I manage to pull myself together and follow a few young families into the museum. I'm the only one on my own. I've grown used to this. It's rare when I have someone with me on these tours. I look around the museum becoming hypnotised. It reminds me of museums in Europe. It makes me feel sick and I want to go back so bad. I want to feel that comfort once again. I want the noise, sights and sounds of London to surround me once again.

I buy my ticket and head into the first exhibit. It's one on Ancient Mesopotamia. I used to love studying ancient cultures in school. I still do love to do so. I see some stone-carved statues and the funniest thought strikes me. It appears that even in Ancient Mesopotamia they liked them thicc. I laugh at that, feeling the amusement fill me up. I love museums. They're one of the few places on Earth that I feel welcome. My inner child comes out and I wander through the halls and exhibits, my thirsty mind drinking everything in. When I'm in museums, I'm not sick. I'm not angry. I'm not hurting. I'm completely focused on the moment. The building is beautiful. The high stone ceilings remind me of the National History Museum. I remember my first trip there. I spent all of my little allowances I had getting trinkets and books. I'd saved for weeks to be able to do it. I like to get little trinkets from museums and galleries. It's like I have to prove to myself that I got up and did it; that I managed to get to this place. I didn't let my illness consume me. I'm beating it.
There are exhibits showing how the ancients understood human anatomy, worshipped and created a complex society. It's interesting to see how ancient cultures from all other the world have so many similarities, yet at the same time, their differences are completely vast. So many mysteries we'll never understand. So many questions we'll never have answers to.
I wander through the exhibit taking photos, then I enter the dinosaur exhibit. I feel like I'm going to explode. It reminds me of the one that I'd visited with Winkles and Porky in June whilst in Ottowa. I can't wait to go back to that city and spend more than a day there. I had a blast. I honestly did. Over the summer I gained a new found love for Canada. They have a plesiosaur. I have to hold in my scream. It's not often they have my favourite dinosaur. I think it's starting to gain some popularity in recent years. I want to dance around. I take photos across the exhibit, not wanting to fail to capture anything. The hall is crowded with families. Children run across the hall, meeting other children, parents talking, some chasing their youngest kids around the room. Some of the parents are my age, possibly a little younger. I think about families. Have I made a mistake not having a family? I think about my parents. When they were my age they'd been married 3 years and had me and my sister on the way. Or they were planning to have another kid. I think of how that would strip me of my freedom, but at the same time, maybe adopting a child would give me a sense of purpose. I don't know. I'm not in a position to adopt right now, neither is my boy. We need to work on our mental health before we take on other responsibilities. Sometimes it's painful to think about.
I head up to the next level featuring amazing geological creations. It's amazing what the Earth creates for us to faun over. Rocks and minerals, humans determining a value to it, something that they've no real ownership over and fighting over them. I'm a rather deep thinker, aren't I? And I'm not even stoned. Imagine what that's like, huh? If you're a regular follower of my blog, you'll know it well. (There will be new instalments of Danny's High Flying Adventures soon)
I'm drawn to what looks like a glossy rainbow fossil. I wish I could take it home with me. There's just something happy about it; I love the way the light plays with the colours and tones of the fossil-like formation.

I'm really taking my time in here. I have only a few other museums to go to and they're all within walking distance. I stare through the crystals, taking in the different colours, formations and textures. They all came from the Earth. It's truly mindblowing. Now, I don't know all the complete inner workings of how all of the different specimens were created. I did a few science projects like this when I was a kid. We made our own crystals at home and during a science lesson. That was epic. Maybe I'll do a blog where I do that as well? Thoughts?
I see the neatest little formations that look like kidneys. It amuses me beyond anything I've ever seen in a museum. Or they could look like little steaks. Or if I was Hannibal Lecter, they'd look like little kidney steaks I could sautee in a cast iron pan with some olive oil, rosemary, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper...Well, that escalated quickly. I used to cook things like this back for family, now I just do my meatless meals. I don't really cook for the other people in my house. Sure, I could, but I hate them all, so I won't. :)) I have one more level of the museum to go through. I wave goodbye to the geological exhibit and into what I like to call the hall of dead things. Actually, it's the level above the dinosaur exhibit..I'm getting flashbacks of Ottowa here.
There are specimens in jars here, perfectly preserved! I love shit like this. I want to get up close and see everything there is to see. Part of me wants to cut them open and see what' inside. I can't help it, I'm a curious kind of guy. I like to learn as much as I can. Always been like this. They have half-built skeletons and half-built skulls on display. They display various difference and similarities between modern man and prehistoric man; they show the difference between man and monkey. It was so cool to stand and realise all the changes our bodies have gone through to be what they are today. I think of my body, how it responds to stimuli, how I can push it to such limits and now I have a better idea of why I can do the things I can do.
I spent a little over an hour and a half in the museum, making my way out and down to the other museums on my list, of course stopping for a large hot coffee and the Beyond Sausage (no egg or cheese) bagel before popping off. It was the first time I had that and OMFG it's amazing. I can't wait to try more of their products. It's actually got a better taste and texture than meat sausage. The second part of this blog will be up soon. I decided to break it into two parts because I saw so much at all the museums and stopped to do some photography and I didn't want to miss sharing things with you guys!
Until Next Time.
The street is silent. There is not a person, animal or car in sight. It feels like I'm walking through a ghost town. It's strange for 9:30 in the morning on a Saturday, especially the weekend before Christmas. I'd expect to see last-minute shoppers running around. Nothing. The silence is almost eerie. It smells like London. I can't explain why. I love it. I want to bottle up the scent and take it with me so when I miss my beloved city I can just have a little bit of it. God, I make it sound like London is a drug and I'm hopelessly addicted to it. Maybe it is. Maybe I am. Does one ever really know?
The air is filled with little icy knives that stab into my lungs every time I breathe in. I wrap my scarf around my mouth to help take some of the sting away as I breathe in. I walk through the cemetery gates. It's a city of the dead, just as it was intended to be. I think of all the lives that are buried deep in the soil. It's strange that people die and become part of the earth. I don't want to be buried. I don't want to be eaten by anything. The idea turns my stomach. I love watching rates of decomposition because it's interesting, I just don't want it for me. I don't want to lay on a metal slab while a medical examiner pokes around inside my decayed insides.
The silence echos between the tombstones. I walk around and through the entire cemetery. I have an hour before the first museum opens, so why not take my time in here? The sun hangs in the sky, the grey of the clouds dulling it out. I can't feel any of its warmth. A feeling of haunting falls over me. It feels like there's something screaming inside me. I want to lay on the frosty ground and let the little snowflakes falling down hit me. I want my warmth to melt them so it doesn't appear that I've been crying. My loneliness is compounded in this minute. If we hadn't have argued he'd be here with me. Why do we have to be like this? Why does he always have to be like this? Using my sadness, using my desire to be loved as a weapon against me when he's angry? Never once have I revoked my love from him, yet he can do it on a whim. I'm stupid for wanting him in all the ways that I do.
I look through the camera lens and try to push my thoughts of him out of me. The sun looks evil in the sky. Everything is starting to feel uncomfortable. I feel vulnerable and exposed.
I leave the cemetery and make my way to the National History Museum. I've been dying to check out the dinosaur exhibit. You all know how much I love dinosaurs and it was the last weekend they were going to have it open before the museum closed for renovations. I got here just in time. I'm glad that I didn't wait because they won't open the museum fully again until 2022 or something like that. That year doesn't even seem like it's real. Insanity. I start thinking about the years and start to have a mini-crisis. I manage to pull myself together and follow a few young families into the museum. I'm the only one on my own. I've grown used to this. It's rare when I have someone with me on these tours. I look around the museum becoming hypnotised. It reminds me of museums in Europe. It makes me feel sick and I want to go back so bad. I want to feel that comfort once again. I want the noise, sights and sounds of London to surround me once again.

I buy my ticket and head into the first exhibit. It's one on Ancient Mesopotamia. I used to love studying ancient cultures in school. I still do love to do so. I see some stone-carved statues and the funniest thought strikes me. It appears that even in Ancient Mesopotamia they liked them thicc. I laugh at that, feeling the amusement fill me up. I love museums. They're one of the few places on Earth that I feel welcome. My inner child comes out and I wander through the halls and exhibits, my thirsty mind drinking everything in. When I'm in museums, I'm not sick. I'm not angry. I'm not hurting. I'm completely focused on the moment. The building is beautiful. The high stone ceilings remind me of the National History Museum. I remember my first trip there. I spent all of my little allowances I had getting trinkets and books. I'd saved for weeks to be able to do it. I like to get little trinkets from museums and galleries. It's like I have to prove to myself that I got up and did it; that I managed to get to this place. I didn't let my illness consume me. I'm beating it.
There are exhibits showing how the ancients understood human anatomy, worshipped and created a complex society. It's interesting to see how ancient cultures from all other the world have so many similarities, yet at the same time, their differences are completely vast. So many mysteries we'll never understand. So many questions we'll never have answers to.
I wander through the exhibit taking photos, then I enter the dinosaur exhibit. I feel like I'm going to explode. It reminds me of the one that I'd visited with Winkles and Porky in June whilst in Ottowa. I can't wait to go back to that city and spend more than a day there. I had a blast. I honestly did. Over the summer I gained a new found love for Canada. They have a plesiosaur. I have to hold in my scream. It's not often they have my favourite dinosaur. I think it's starting to gain some popularity in recent years. I want to dance around. I take photos across the exhibit, not wanting to fail to capture anything. The hall is crowded with families. Children run across the hall, meeting other children, parents talking, some chasing their youngest kids around the room. Some of the parents are my age, possibly a little younger. I think about families. Have I made a mistake not having a family? I think about my parents. When they were my age they'd been married 3 years and had me and my sister on the way. Or they were planning to have another kid. I think of how that would strip me of my freedom, but at the same time, maybe adopting a child would give me a sense of purpose. I don't know. I'm not in a position to adopt right now, neither is my boy. We need to work on our mental health before we take on other responsibilities. Sometimes it's painful to think about.
I head up to the next level featuring amazing geological creations. It's amazing what the Earth creates for us to faun over. Rocks and minerals, humans determining a value to it, something that they've no real ownership over and fighting over them. I'm a rather deep thinker, aren't I? And I'm not even stoned. Imagine what that's like, huh? If you're a regular follower of my blog, you'll know it well. (There will be new instalments of Danny's High Flying Adventures soon)
I'm drawn to what looks like a glossy rainbow fossil. I wish I could take it home with me. There's just something happy about it; I love the way the light plays with the colours and tones of the fossil-like formation.

I see the neatest little formations that look like kidneys. It amuses me beyond anything I've ever seen in a museum. Or they could look like little steaks. Or if I was Hannibal Lecter, they'd look like little kidney steaks I could sautee in a cast iron pan with some olive oil, rosemary, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper...Well, that escalated quickly. I used to cook things like this back for family, now I just do my meatless meals. I don't really cook for the other people in my house. Sure, I could, but I hate them all, so I won't. :)) I have one more level of the museum to go through. I wave goodbye to the geological exhibit and into what I like to call the hall of dead things. Actually, it's the level above the dinosaur exhibit..I'm getting flashbacks of Ottowa here.
There are specimens in jars here, perfectly preserved! I love shit like this. I want to get up close and see everything there is to see. Part of me wants to cut them open and see what' inside. I can't help it, I'm a curious kind of guy. I like to learn as much as I can. Always been like this. They have half-built skeletons and half-built skulls on display. They display various difference and similarities between modern man and prehistoric man; they show the difference between man and monkey. It was so cool to stand and realise all the changes our bodies have gone through to be what they are today. I think of my body, how it responds to stimuli, how I can push it to such limits and now I have a better idea of why I can do the things I can do.
I spent a little over an hour and a half in the museum, making my way out and down to the other museums on my list, of course stopping for a large hot coffee and the Beyond Sausage (no egg or cheese) bagel before popping off. It was the first time I had that and OMFG it's amazing. I can't wait to try more of their products. It's actually got a better taste and texture than meat sausage. The second part of this blog will be up soon. I decided to break it into two parts because I saw so much at all the museums and stopped to do some photography and I didn't want to miss sharing things with you guys!
Until Next Time.
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