Delectables with Dan Presents: The Bread Bowl
It may come as a shock, but I have never had a bread bowl.
Well, I never had a bread bowl before I wrote this blog.
I wasn't even planning on doing a blog for this recipe until Winkles asked for it and I was like, "Fuck me, this would be a great blog." So, here we are.
It's simple. It's hardy. It's carb-heavy. It's rich. It's flavourful. Its...I feel like I just started describing a young Joah Hill...Anyway, this is a quick, cheap and easy to make meal! There will be a joint blog for this reviewing the new brand of vegan meatballs I used for this dish!
Now, if you want to be a fat ass like I was being, this dough is for one bread bowl. If you aren't one, then you can cut the dough in half into equal portions.
1 lb of bread dough (okay, now looking at the measurements, this indeed proves I was being a giant fat ass the night I made this.)
1lb (I didn't eat it all) of angel hair pasta. (Usually, I use whole wheat, but I didn't have any laying around and I had no way to get to the shops, so yeet, regular it was.)
2-3 vegan meatballs per bowl
1/4c vegan parmesan cheese
1-2c. vegan alfredo sauce
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons Italian seasoning (basil, oregano, cilantro and in some cases dried red pepper flakes)
Our first step is to prepare our dough. That's the body on the operation. Without it, nothing else exists. Okay, that would kind of make it the cell of the operation...but this isn't a biology lesson, it's a recipe. Work the dough into a ball, then drizzle your olive oil over the top of it, then work it into the dough along with the Italian seasoning. You want a nice flavourful bowl. Spray a baking tray with a bit of non-stick cooking spray so your bowl doesn't stick. Once you've oiled and seasoned the dough, shape into a bowl shape and press down the centre of the bowl. You'll want it to still have it rise but it will give you a nice little guide for when you're cutting the centre out to make the bowl. Be careful when you do that, might still be a bit hot like it was for me and it burned my fucking hand. Excuse me, my hand. LMAO FINALLY! I get to use that Titanic joke. Anyway, put into bake for 350F for about 30 minutes. You want it to have a nice golden outside to it. It will smell amazing as it bakes. And while it is doing so we'll be doing the meatballs and the pasta to go inside it.
You're going to put the pasta water on to boil, remembering to add a splash of olive oil and a pinch of salt; it helps with the cooking and adds extra flavour. While you have the olive oil out add about a tablespoon of it to a small frying pan; make sure that it coats the base and the sides of the pan. It doesn't matter if you're using frozen or non-frozen veggie meatballs, you're going to start it out on low heat. When the meatballs are about half cooked, turn the heat up to medium and let them brown up nicely. Cook the pasta until it is al dente. I shouldn't have to say this, but I know I have to. You should have made sure the water was up to a nice rolling boil before you put the pasta in to cook. Never put it in that luke-warm shite.
Strain the pasta then, pour back into the same pot, but over low heat, add the vegan alfredo sauce. Let the noodles absorb the sauce. Add in the cheeses and stir, letting the sauce come to a low boil or warm enough so it's steaming. You don't want it to burn. Be mindful. Mind the sauce, lads. Mind the sauce. While the sauce is warming, remove the cooked meatballs from the heat. Taking a bread knife, carefully cut out the centre of the bread, being careful not to cut completely through. You want it to have a base. Once you've done that and the noodles are warm, carefully spoon your pasta into the bowl using a large ladle or spoon. You can drizzle the extra sauce on from the pot if desired. Poke 2-3 meatballs on one side of the bowl and dress with fresh basil.
Now having a second thought, it would be cool to chop up the meatballs and mix them into the pasta putting it into the bread bowl like that, rather than just sticking them ontop. Fuck, I am a genius. I was feeling the mood for extra cheese, don't ask me why, so I sliced up some mozzarella and spread it over the top and melted it for a few minutes in my toaster oven. I paired it with some fresh grapes and cucumber that I wanted to get rid of. I couldn't eat it all, so I made it through half! I got two great meals out of this one plate, so it was really worth the time I took to make it. :D
I know I haven't really done much with Delectables with Dan as of late; I've just not been feeling it. I don't want to put out stuff that's half-arsed or things I'm not really proud of, you know? I've really been focusing on the edibles lately, most of the blogs being that. It's a really great experience for me. Maybe I'll work out some DWD that ARE edibles!
Meantime, I have some Valentine's recipes that I can't wait to whip out for you guys. Hint, one of them is dark chocolate and raspberry. I may even do something that is strawberry and lemon. I'm wanting to try and branch out. Gotta get my brain in gear and just try. Easier said than done.
1 lb of bread dough (okay, now looking at the measurements, this indeed proves I was being a giant fat ass the night I made this.)
1lb (I didn't eat it all) of angel hair pasta. (Usually, I use whole wheat, but I didn't have any laying around and I had no way to get to the shops, so yeet, regular it was.)
2-3 vegan meatballs per bowl
1/4c vegan parmesan cheese
1-2c. vegan alfredo sauce
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons Italian seasoning (basil, oregano, cilantro and in some cases dried red pepper flakes)
Our first step is to prepare our dough. That's the body on the operation. Without it, nothing else exists. Okay, that would kind of make it the cell of the operation...but this isn't a biology lesson, it's a recipe. Work the dough into a ball, then drizzle your olive oil over the top of it, then work it into the dough along with the Italian seasoning. You want a nice flavourful bowl. Spray a baking tray with a bit of non-stick cooking spray so your bowl doesn't stick. Once you've oiled and seasoned the dough, shape into a bowl shape and press down the centre of the bowl. You'll want it to still have it rise but it will give you a nice little guide for when you're cutting the centre out to make the bowl. Be careful when you do that, might still be a bit hot like it was for me and it burned my fucking hand. Excuse me, my hand. LMAO FINALLY! I get to use that Titanic joke. Anyway, put into bake for 350F for about 30 minutes. You want it to have a nice golden outside to it. It will smell amazing as it bakes. And while it is doing so we'll be doing the meatballs and the pasta to go inside it.

Strain the pasta then, pour back into the same pot, but over low heat, add the vegan alfredo sauce. Let the noodles absorb the sauce. Add in the cheeses and stir, letting the sauce come to a low boil or warm enough so it's steaming. You don't want it to burn. Be mindful. Mind the sauce, lads. Mind the sauce. While the sauce is warming, remove the cooked meatballs from the heat. Taking a bread knife, carefully cut out the centre of the bread, being careful not to cut completely through. You want it to have a base. Once you've done that and the noodles are warm, carefully spoon your pasta into the bowl using a large ladle or spoon. You can drizzle the extra sauce on from the pot if desired. Poke 2-3 meatballs on one side of the bowl and dress with fresh basil.
Now having a second thought, it would be cool to chop up the meatballs and mix them into the pasta putting it into the bread bowl like that, rather than just sticking them ontop. Fuck, I am a genius. I was feeling the mood for extra cheese, don't ask me why, so I sliced up some mozzarella and spread it over the top and melted it for a few minutes in my toaster oven. I paired it with some fresh grapes and cucumber that I wanted to get rid of. I couldn't eat it all, so I made it through half! I got two great meals out of this one plate, so it was really worth the time I took to make it. :D
I know I haven't really done much with Delectables with Dan as of late; I've just not been feeling it. I don't want to put out stuff that's half-arsed or things I'm not really proud of, you know? I've really been focusing on the edibles lately, most of the blogs being that. It's a really great experience for me. Maybe I'll work out some DWD that ARE edibles!
Meantime, I have some Valentine's recipes that I can't wait to whip out for you guys. Hint, one of them is dark chocolate and raspberry. I may even do something that is strawberry and lemon. I'm wanting to try and branch out. Gotta get my brain in gear and just try. Easier said than done.
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