Dark Peppermint Chocolate vs White Peppermint Chocolate
While I may not really celebrate Christmas or any sort of winter holiday, I wanted to try and do something a little festive. I'm a sucker for mint chocolate, so I thought why not get two different peppermint chocolates and compare them? Then it hit me that if they had THC infused bars, why not get those and review them both? OH MY GOD. Massively good time. The white peppermint chocolate was a seasonal limited edition and I think the dark chocolate one might be too, but the link to purchase other edibles, wax, flower and more will be below. Happy Highs everybody. (Yes, I'm aware this is late.)
I'm going to start it off with the white chocolate peppermint. It's really creamy with the perfect amount of peppermint. I'm not a fan of white chocolate, but this is amazing. There's a hint of weed taste, but other than that, you'd never know it was pot chocolate. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I eat the equivalent of 40mg of THC. (Each of the little squares are 5mg each) The only shitty thing about edibles is waiting for them to hit you. I always eat mine on an empty stomach; it helps speed up the process for me, kinda like drinking on an empty stomach. It takes about 45 minutes for me to start feeling that warm fuzzy feeling of a high. I feel so much of the tension I carry start to dissipate. I wish I could always feel this elevated. I did when I was low-grade manic whilst in Canada over the summer. I still think about that week's holiday with great fondness. I'm looking forward to another trip soon.
When the full high hits me, it hits me like a lorry truck. I feel amazing. My stoned ass is turning my bedroom into a West End production of Rocketman, dancing around to Crocodile Rock, singing and clapping along. I feel magical. I love when everything begins to move in slow motion. I'm hypnotised by the movement of the bodies around me. I want to know what it feels like for every single one of them. Everyone experiences motion differently. I want to know what it's like so badly. I gotta ask people. I throw myself on the bed and roll around. I love the way the sheets feel against my exposed skin. I feel like a child again.
When the full high hits me, it hits me like a lorry truck. I feel amazing. My stoned ass is turning my bedroom into a West End production of Rocketman, dancing around to Crocodile Rock, singing and clapping along. I feel magical. I love when everything begins to move in slow motion. I'm hypnotised by the movement of the bodies around me. I want to know what it feels like for every single one of them. Everyone experiences motion differently. I want to know what it's like so badly. I gotta ask people. I throw myself on the bed and roll around. I love the way the sheets feel against my exposed skin. I feel like a child again.
I start thinking about Blues Clues. When I'd visit my nan, I'd sit in her den watching telly on her floor. She'd give a healthy snack and I'd sit watching cartoons. Learning, growing, without even really knowing. I loved Blues Clues. It hits me how much has changed since she's been gone. A part of me can't really process it. I just pretend she's on holiday and I'm just waiting for her to come home. I know it's pathetic and childish to some degree, but this is me not wanting to have to deal with the fact she's dead. I'm well aware that she is, that she's not coming back, I guess I just want her to. We had so many good times. But I'm also aware that it's better that she died before her suffering became unbearable. No, no, no. Abort childhood. Abort!! I don't want to start drowning in this. I can't sink any lower.
My brain does a flop. I'm camping with my family. I'm about 8 or 9. The tent is a brilliant blue colour. It zips, separating it out into two different rooms. One for mum and dad, the other for the kids. My eyes start to burn with a kind of tear-like solution. I want to through myself on the ground and just lose complete control of myself. I did last week and that's why I have yet another giant hole kicked into my bedroom wall. I need to fix that. I feel everything is falling away from me. I've lost precious moments. The pain is so unbearable. I'm in the tent, looking up through the little sky window. The sun is setting. The sky looks like a painting Picasso would have created after dropping a few tabs of acid. I want to just stretch out under the sun again. Feel the grass near me, hear the water of a lake rippling and playfully splashing in the background. I don't like swimming in lakes. I used to be okay with it, not anymore. I start thinking about the lake and become terrified something is going to come out of the water and eat me. Every cell in my body vibrates. I feel myself sweating and my heart rate increase. I'm in the water. I'm swimming through the murky water. It feels like I'm being watched. I look around. There is no one on the edge of the water. There's no one else in the water. My fight or flight response kicks in. It wants me to swim faster, but the logical section of my brain tells me to try and stay as still as possible; the splashing of my swimming will just draw predators. It feels like there's something under me. Slowly, I glance down into the deep water and have my heart scared out of me. There's a giant serpentine-dinosaur like creature with razor teeth under me. I don't know what to do. There is no way to escape this. I'm going to die a painful death. My heart swells like it's going to burst. Then the rest all goes black.
Let's rate this high, shall we? It wasn't one of my best highs I admit. I had WAY too many thoughts stuck in my head and sometimes when I'm high all the barriers breakdown and shit like this comes out. I'm not really sure why this happens this way. I'm going to do more research and work with my medical team to find out what's the dealio with my highs being like this and no one I know having highs like this. For intensity? 10/10. Would I purchase this one again? I sure would. I wish they didn't make it a limited edition. As of right now (13/1) they still have both the white and dark peppermint chocolates available. For all the current products check out their website either for medicinal use or adult recreational use.
We're going to be trying the dark chocolate peppermint this time. I can only hope the high is just as good with this one. The taste of the white chocolate one blew me away, let's see if the dark chocolate impresses me in the same way. It smells amazing. The peppermint scent is so powerful that's what hits me as I unwrap the chocolate. This is going to be a good one. It's not as creamy as the white chocolate, but it's amazing. I hate when peppermint chocolate is dry. It tends to happen more and more often. It's more than companies not giving a shit about their consumers, it's more of hiring morons to work for them. It's almost like those peppermint patty thingies that they sell at Chrimbo. They're like after-dinner mints? I see them in America around that time. I'm partial to the chocolate orange. I think I ranted about how they should make a THC infused one. I should make my own. Now let's get back to the topic at hand before I forget what I'm on about.
When I do edibles, I also focus on the flavour, not just the high. I mean, a great high is the goal of it all, but I'd like it to taste good. It's going to be harder to ingest if it tastes like shit.
The different tones of the light dance around the room. I feel myself dripping and pooling into a puddle on the floor. I want to just become fully intoxicated on this feeling. I feel every colour race through the droplets that are me. A shimmering rainbow stains the floor and I taste candy floss. I feel weightless. Dreams by The Cranberries comes on and I've swept away. The feels are impossible to ignore. Once again I'm a little child dancing on the living room rugs, the light that comes from the bay window surrounds me. "He has my heart so don't hurt me" At the time, singing along I didn't know anything of real heartache. I just loved the way the woman sang the song; I loved the melody. It felt like a dream state whenever I'd listen to her sing.
My brain does a flop. I'm camping with my family. I'm about 8 or 9. The tent is a brilliant blue colour. It zips, separating it out into two different rooms. One for mum and dad, the other for the kids. My eyes start to burn with a kind of tear-like solution. I want to through myself on the ground and just lose complete control of myself. I did last week and that's why I have yet another giant hole kicked into my bedroom wall. I need to fix that. I feel everything is falling away from me. I've lost precious moments. The pain is so unbearable. I'm in the tent, looking up through the little sky window. The sun is setting. The sky looks like a painting Picasso would have created after dropping a few tabs of acid. I want to just stretch out under the sun again. Feel the grass near me, hear the water of a lake rippling and playfully splashing in the background. I don't like swimming in lakes. I used to be okay with it, not anymore. I start thinking about the lake and become terrified something is going to come out of the water and eat me. Every cell in my body vibrates. I feel myself sweating and my heart rate increase. I'm in the water. I'm swimming through the murky water. It feels like I'm being watched. I look around. There is no one on the edge of the water. There's no one else in the water. My fight or flight response kicks in. It wants me to swim faster, but the logical section of my brain tells me to try and stay as still as possible; the splashing of my swimming will just draw predators. It feels like there's something under me. Slowly, I glance down into the deep water and have my heart scared out of me. There's a giant serpentine-dinosaur like creature with razor teeth under me. I don't know what to do. There is no way to escape this. I'm going to die a painful death. My heart swells like it's going to burst. Then the rest all goes black.
Let's rate this high, shall we? It wasn't one of my best highs I admit. I had WAY too many thoughts stuck in my head and sometimes when I'm high all the barriers breakdown and shit like this comes out. I'm not really sure why this happens this way. I'm going to do more research and work with my medical team to find out what's the dealio with my highs being like this and no one I know having highs like this. For intensity? 10/10. Would I purchase this one again? I sure would. I wish they didn't make it a limited edition. As of right now (13/1) they still have both the white and dark peppermint chocolates available. For all the current products check out their website either for medicinal use or adult recreational use.
We're going to be trying the dark chocolate peppermint this time. I can only hope the high is just as good with this one. The taste of the white chocolate one blew me away, let's see if the dark chocolate impresses me in the same way. It smells amazing. The peppermint scent is so powerful that's what hits me as I unwrap the chocolate. This is going to be a good one. It's not as creamy as the white chocolate, but it's amazing. I hate when peppermint chocolate is dry. It tends to happen more and more often. It's more than companies not giving a shit about their consumers, it's more of hiring morons to work for them. It's almost like those peppermint patty thingies that they sell at Chrimbo. They're like after-dinner mints? I see them in America around that time. I'm partial to the chocolate orange. I think I ranted about how they should make a THC infused one. I should make my own. Now let's get back to the topic at hand before I forget what I'm on about.
When I do edibles, I also focus on the flavour, not just the high. I mean, a great high is the goal of it all, but I'd like it to taste good. It's going to be harder to ingest if it tastes like shit.

Sometimes when I look through my older belongings it hurts so bad; it reminds me of the person I used to be. They're things from moments from when I was happy. I've held onto the things, so I can hold onto the memory, try and hold onto the emotion. I feel childlike and pathetic. I think of all the things that I'm going to leave behind in the world when I die. The thought of leaving my things, the things that bring me so much comfort is almost unbearable. I know I'll be dead but I don't want to lose the things, lose the memories. I know it's completely irrational to have these thoughts, but I do. I wrap myself in my blankets and snuggle up with my plushies. I love soft things. People think it's because I'm immature, but it's really because I want a loving comfort. A bit twisted, I know.
I lay on the floor, my throat slit, the knife next to my blood-soaked corpse. Everyone I know walks by me. It's as if they can't even see me. Maybe they can't. Or maybe they just don't give a fuck. I open my eyes and start screaming, realising I'm not actually dead, it's just ketchup. I'm both amused and disappointed by this realisation. I think it's more the fact I once again went unnoticed. I try so hard but I'm always a background character. I'm tired of it. I'm not even trying anymore. 28 years of it has brought me nothing but heartache. I start laughing about the ketchup. I don't know where the laughter comes from; maybe the idea at me being so extra and dramatic.
As you can tell by the picture here I am completely fucking gone. I ended up falling asleep and staying asleep for a good 13 hours or so. It was the sleep that I really needed, as I've been running on so little lately. Fucking insomnia.
Let's rate this high. Better than the last high, but very good. I'm gonna have to give this one a 10/10 as well. It was more of a smoother high. I was like mega high, I just didn't have a bad experience. I kinda tried to empty my mind before I partook in anymore seasonal nom-noms with the Devil's lettuce inside. That's gotta be my favourite term for weed. Seriously. It's hilarious. Almost sound's healthy. Sounds badass too.
I'm sorry this is late; as some of you no doubt know, I've been dealing with some personal issues and that's just gotten in the way of everything. I will continue to do blogs as I can, but they may be few and far inbetween. I'm taking some time to focus on my mental health and well being. And coming soon I will have a few announcements!

As you can tell by the picture here I am completely fucking gone. I ended up falling asleep and staying asleep for a good 13 hours or so. It was the sleep that I really needed, as I've been running on so little lately. Fucking insomnia.
Let's rate this high. Better than the last high, but very good. I'm gonna have to give this one a 10/10 as well. It was more of a smoother high. I was like mega high, I just didn't have a bad experience. I kinda tried to empty my mind before I partook in anymore seasonal nom-noms with the Devil's lettuce inside. That's gotta be my favourite term for weed. Seriously. It's hilarious. Almost sound's healthy. Sounds badass too.
I'm sorry this is late; as some of you no doubt know, I've been dealing with some personal issues and that's just gotten in the way of everything. I will continue to do blogs as I can, but they may be few and far inbetween. I'm taking some time to focus on my mental health and well being. And coming soon I will have a few announcements!
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