A Night At The Opera

Golden cracks of early morning light caress my exposed skin.
I've woken up.
This wasn't how it was supposed to be.
A soreness radiates from my stomach out to my hips.
A fatigue falls over my body and I watch wisps of powdery snow float by
the window caught in the wind. 
Carefully, I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling, fighting the urge to cry.
Bitter battles have raged through my body all night long,
leaving me more exhausted when I wake up than when I fell asleep.
Endless questions race through me as I stare at the speckled ceiling above me. 

"Hidden in the Snow"
If there is a beginning, surely there will be an end.
I feel the essence of my being tested in more ways than
one as time progressively speeds forward, almost desperate 
to give birth to new life.
I find the silences hidden deep within speak louder than my 
thoughts ever could.
Wordless dreams both confuse and excite me,
worlds of possibilities dwell within me,
lives waiting to unfold.  

"Face of the Clock"  Memories recorded on the face of a clock.
Speckles of colour decorate my memory,
clouding my judgement,
pushing me closer to the vortex that offers no return.
Anxiety causes my stomach to bubble,
fear coats the back of my throat.
The familiar loss of control threatens my safety once again.
Uphill battles are being forged
and all the while I remain powerless to stop it.
I strive to avoid complications,
 fumbling with the straps of my straight jacket,
a cigarette hanging from my lips.
Hoping to exhale all that is wrong of me in a cloud of toxicity.
Forget about me.

"All That Remains"
Sharpened knives &w
agging tounges.
In mutilated bodies, the reasons are clear.
Ignorance protects the wicked,
money protects the fall. 
Meaningless sentiments follow disaster,
they pray the rain will bring change,
forever turning away from the burning wreckage,
out of ignorance or shame. 

"Closing In"
Riddles on his lips,
snide comments hidden in his curls,
I can never get enough of his deviant smile.
He's constantly throwing rocks at my house of glass,
but I can't bring myself to ask him to stop.
My breathing is ragged and raw as thrust into me.
Your warmth rips through me, 
your fingers play a harrowing melody against my throat.
I should blame you, your insatiable greed, but I constantly am
swept away by your beauty and grace.
I can taste your contempt for me in every kiss,

feel it in every silence,
yet I continue to reveal you as my saviour.

Roses are red,
violets are blue
I'm addicted to the violent way that I love you.
Sweet melodies of malice and destruction fill my heart
when I daydream of you.


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