лжец и его возлюбленный

His lips are warm against my icy neck.
His chubby fingers are nimble as they
work their ways around my shoulders,
twisting down around my ribs.
His sense of urgency pulses through me,
awakening the flames of desire housed
deep within.
The storms that rage within match the
storm that surrounds us in this Scandinavian
Our lips tremble as they find each other with
eyes closed.
The warmth of our bodies collides with one
another under the duvet and we begin to slip
against one another.
Shadows dance across our exposed flesh as we rise
and fall against one another.
The moonlight is as intoxicating as his lipstick that
stains the paleness of my skin.
His hands flutter above my hips for a moment before
he begins to caress the left one with his mouth.
He inhales his warmth, his passion into me and I work
my fingers through this thick messy waves.
Love me ragged. love me raw.
His lies are etched into the train of kisses he leaves down my
inner thigh.
I should know better, but I allow my lust to consume me.
Tempting the ways of the flesh, forgoing the ways of the soul.
The turmoil burning within only drives the flames within,
I flip him onto his back and return the favour,
the poison of my lipstick infecting him.
I suck his inner thighs, filling my mouth with his flesh, biting playfully,
my true desire caught in the back of my throat.
I love the way his skin feels against mine.
Mingled together we become one,
breathing in synch
moving to the dance of each other's slightest touch.
Wordlessly we coordinate our movements,
I pin him down and slide my tongue from throat to navel,
I love the control and trust be places in me. I thrive as he
arches his soft tummy up to greet me.
He tastes of salt and trouble.
I should be doing everything I can to break free, but like a Manson
child, he has complete control over me.
His lips find mine as the moonlight fades from our line of sight,
signing the dawn will soon break.
He begs me to give myself over to him one more time;
I'm more than happy to oblige, despite knowing each thrust into me is a lie.
I feel his lower stomach, hot and squishy against my lower back.
I don't know why, but I reach back to bring one of his arms over me.
I suck his fingers, kissing each little pink nail when I'm done.
I place the hand on my throat and the other soon follows.
His breathing rises in succession with mine.
His hands tighten across my throat
and I feel release coming soon.
Dopamine and oxytocin flood us as golden rays of dawn bathe us.
We lay breathless beside one another,
our fingers entangled.
It feels as if we are always chasing the mornings.
Title Translation:
лжец и его возлюбленный-The Liar & His Lover
лжец и его возлюбленный-The Liar & His Lover
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