Danni Dates: A Cafe Experience

I've not really discussed my dating history on here and I felt it was about time to drop something of that nature here. I'm not one to go out on dates. I prefer online flirting, video chatting and then getting to go out with a person after some amount of time. I'm shy. I have trouble with strangers and new people. I've been hurt in the past, well actually destroyed emotionally in the past, so I'm always a bit guarded whenever it comes to relationships, crushes and shit of this nature.
I'm bisexual, but I'm not into everyone I see. In fact, I'm rather picky with when it comes to who I fancy. It's not just a physical thing either. I like to form a connection with a person. I want to check out the entire package before I fancy someone or not. Of course, there is the first pure physical attraction to a man or a woman, but from there it can develop into a crush or flame out. Most of the time, it flames out for me. Maybe I'm a bit too selective sometimes. Anyway, when I let someone in, I let someone in. In the past few months, I went out on a date with a girl. I thought it went well. She and I went to a cafe and had coffee after about two months of daily online talking and flirting. She was my type too. A little bit of an oddball, hella thick and into some of the same things that I'm into. I thought it would work out great, even if we didn't get together, it would be a good friendship. It didn't.

I know I'm not the best looking guy out there and I was open about me being transgender and she told me that she's bisexual so that wasn't an issue. Maybe she wasn't that into me. Maybe she's busy. Maybe I'm reading too much into all this. I know I shouldn't be that bothered by this, but I am. Maybe because it happened with a guy too a few months before? I might just do a blog on that one too, who knows. That one has me puzzled too.
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