Watermelon Lad: THC TIMES

Hey fellow high flyers, I'm back with a whole new set of highs and adventures experienced with my latest tasty tryout treat, Inas's watermelon gummies. I know it's been a little bit since I've done one of these. I've been really busy with work, tired and just I dunno, drained? Anyway, while most of you are under quarantine, I decided that I should post this and give you guys a few laughs or maybe even something to think about.
I've tried gummies before, some good, some bad, so let's see how these do. I'm going to be having an extra special Valentine's week with these sweet little babies. There are 30 gummies in the jar when I peek inside. I was thinking it would be like potato crisps, more packaging than product, but no this jar is stuffed to the top with wonderful gummy chews. They smell amazing. Nice hint of watermelon mingled with THC. I love getting presents for myself. They are also vegan products according to the website! (Link below)
They're little pinkish squares with a pot leaf stamped into the centre of them. They're so cute. Usually, I like to start with two and then take one more at a time until I've reached the level of high that I'm wanting. Edibles and I have a great working relationship. They get me to a level of high that smoking never does. <There will be a blog on this in the coming weeks, I don't know when since I'm still working both of my jobs. Hurray for being essential!>
It takes about 30 minutes.
I'm sitting on the bed when I feel all of the anxiety over the day wash away from me. I'm starting to feel that warm giddy feeling starting in my toes and working its way up to my head. As I slowly digest the THC, it breaks into two different types. One part goes to my head, the other part goes to my heart. One feels just as good as the other. I take one more gummy just to make sure that I can maintain the high at the level that I want. Sometimes I get too high and it becomes something way out of my control; like a bad acid trip.
I throw myself on the ground and scream until I'm raw. I feel emotionless at this point. Everything has escaped me. My dreams become a horror before my eyes. I want to both run from these hard truths, but also wish to embrace them so they can no longer torture me. When I'm finished, I feel clean. Completely renewed. I breathe easy, letting my peace consume me. This is how things should be. I wish I didn't need to take anything to feel this way. I don't mean all the time, I mean at all. Depression and mania race through me, ups and downs, even on meds. The meds control somethings, but not everything. I hate that I still suffer. Mental illness is the worst kind of punishment human beings endure. There is no sympathy, no cards or flowers. No wishes of wellness, just perpetual guilt trips. Then they wonder why the suicide rate is so high among those with mental illnesses.
I become intoxicated by the vocals of Lil Peep. I find myself falling backwards through the years. I feel the tension slip away from me. It's just me and him now. His tongue is on me. My hands are on him. I feel that familiar burning sweep through my body; its the same feeling as if I were with him. I love the way he burns me. I yearn to feel his lush plushness pressed into me. My mouth on his. His sarcasm and innuendos making me hotter than I've ever been before.

Next Review: Mass Alternative Care's Sour Raspberry Gummy Chews.
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