As soon as I heard about the Impossible Burger coming to Burger King I knew I wanted to try it. There's one in the plaza that I work in and it was just perfect for me to try it. The opportunity basically threw itself at me. I like burgers. They're a quick meal on a night when I really don't want to cook and they're also a great playground for experimenting with flavours. But I'm really not a fast-food boy. I like to cook at home. But I really wanted this. I dreamt of it for a few nights in a row. The other day I worked a long shift and was craving a burger. Today was the day. I couldn't wait for Monday like I planned. I needed some goddamn food and I needed it like yesterday.

I walked across the plaza and into the restaurant. If they didn't have it, I was gonna flip shit. Like I had my mind made up when I got there that's what I wanted and daddy was gonna get it. There was sign for it at the counter so I glowed internally. I ordered it without the mayo-vegan or not, mayo is fucking gross- and got all the fixings on it. Generally, I don't like onion on a burger, but eh, it's a Whopper right? Actually, I've never had the original Whopper either. Go figure. HAHA. I waited for my mate to pick me up and the smell was driving me crazy. It smelled just like a beef burger! I got the meal, cause why not? We all need a cheat day. Unwrapping it, I was excited. It was nice eating with a friend. It's rare that I'm able to do that. Most of the time I'm nervous or shy. I don't really have that worry with him. It's reassuring. Now, I can't really eat fast. I can't shove it all in like I used to be able to. I'm slow, but in this case, so worth it. It was loaded with fresh lettuce, pickles, onion, tomato, ketchup and mustard. Just how I like my burgers. Loaded. Who the fuck wants a plain burger anyway? I mean, I know I'm white, but ffs. I'm a flavour boy. I take a bite and instantly fall in love. I heard it was good, but this is otherworldly. You know how you hear reviews of things and then you get to try the food or the thing or whatever the fuck it is and it's actually shit? I was worried that was going to be the case with the Impossible Whopper. I'm a picky eater. I like to have control over what I eat and I like to have things done a certain way.

It tasted just like a real burger. I've not had one in the longest time and I never really was one for the taste of meat, but this was really good. It had something extra to it. I dunno what the fuck it is, but keep it coming. I wanna get some of these burgers for at-home experiments. Maybe make a pizza burger outta one of these?
I'm gonna have to go back and get another one of these sometime. Could I eat two in one go? Not even close, but now that I know I have that option I might be having a cheat day a little more often. Or when I'm really run down just grab one. I'm hoping that more places start offering good tasting vegan food at affordable prices. I got a meal-a full one with large chips and something for my mate for only like $13.50. Seriously? How can you beat that? Dinner for that price? It's not often that we treat ourselves. We work hard and we deserve something nice that's not gonna break the bank. Maybe burgers every once in a while can be it. Burger King is winning in my eyes and other places need to step up with their vegan options. You know what these places really need? The vegan chicken patty/nuggets option. I love me a spicy "chicken" pesto patty in the evening. Don't you guys?
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