A part of this Trip was to Blog some of the vegan eateries in Montreal and Ottawa. You saw that Id already reviewed Vegan Rapide and the vegan options that Doughnats had to offer. I saw there was an all chocolate restaurant. I was spending some time with a friend of mine who loves chocolate, so I figured it would be nice to go and visit seeing they offered vegan options. We rode the underground out then walked the short walk to the cafe. The streets were alive and busting, as there was a street fair going on. We planned to check it out after yummy treats. The cafe is lively and airy when we walk in; people chatter on the outside eating area and inside the restaurant, the essence of summer is everywhere. It has a homey vibe to it with the decor. Different types of chocolates, lollies and other sweets are lined up for sale on the counter. I thought it would be more of a chocolate shop than a restaurant given the items they had online. I must have mixed up my wires somewhere. With the summer sun beating down all I wanted to do was get inside, out of the heat. A friendly guy led us to a table, handed us menus and put down a pitcher of ice cold water. Not gonna lie here. I felt like Spongebob, you know that time when he went to Sandy's treehouse for the first time? Goddamn heat. I didn't want to appear greedy in the restaurant so I slowly sipped the water while looking through the menu. There's not a lot of vegan things here. It really got me wondering, why the fuck is it even listed? By the time I finished going through the menu, there was only like 3, maybe 4 vegan options. I didn't want to get up and leave but the only thing I could really have was a hot chocolate, two different types of brownie or an ice-cream that was coconut flavoured. I went for the coconut ice-cream because it was too hot for everything else. All this way to a chocolate place and to not eat chocolate. I would have laughed at the irony if I wasn't so pissed off. I wasn't in a chatty mood, so I didn't say anything. Rather I watched as my fellow diners chowed down, both inside and out.

I really felt cheated. There were so many things on the menu that they could have easily made vegan. Not to mention the prices were outrageous. Complaints aside, I did like the decor and it gave me some new ideas for Delectables with Dan. (If I ever get back on that; it feels like forever since I've done a Delectables with Dan. I dunno, I guess I feel worn out and unmotivated with it? Like I have no taste these days. Maybe with the arrival of summer, I'll be able to crank out some tasty treats.) It didn't take long for my little coconut ice-cream pop to come out. It was in one of those little containers that many American drive-thrus put their hot dogs and (simple American accent) French fries in. It mystified me a bit. I don't think it said if it was homemade or not. If not, it would be weird that they opened it before giving it to me; then again, they probably didn't want me knowing the truth so I couldn't go buy them on my own if I liked them. Kanundrum. I take a small, childish bite into the soft offwhite item before me. OOH. Creamy and cold. I half wonder if it's even vegan. It must have been made with cashew milk. (God, I love that shit.) I want to shove the entire thing in my face and just let the cool slide down my burning throat. I don't. I manage to control myself and take other normal sized nibbles of the thing while watching the one across from me eat crepes drenched in chocolate and vanilla ice-cream. I start running recipes through my head, going over how I can turn this into a blog of some sort. Would I return should I ever be in Montreal? (LOL like that's a question I visit the city every few years) No, I don't think so. I really tried to enjoy myself but it was a whopping 2 chocolates out of 5 for a review from me. Maybe if they add more vegan options I'll consider going again.
Here you can check out their menu, locations, order online and more:
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