It's been some time since I've done a Tattoo Talk Thursday.
This entire month it will be a focus on my hand tattoos, celebrating the 6 years since I first got my hands tattooed. We're going to start with each finger, where I got it done, the story behind it, all that good stuff and work down to the tops of my wrists.

We'll start with the pinkies and work our way round. On my left hand pinkie, I have a little love letter and on my right hand pinkie, I have a little crescent moon. I was in Cincinnati, Ohio (yes, this ties into the earlier Danny Does Dabs for the First Time blog) when I got my fingers done. I wanted to finish my hands and I only had those two digits left to finish. <I have been thinking about the bit of spaces that I have on my thumbs and I can add to there, I'll figure it out later.> I had to think of things that I wanted that would also fill the space. Pinkies are small and you don't want the image to blur over time. I already had a love letter done on the same side of my body, but down my rib cage, I think I did a blog on that piece, but I wanted another one cause I just like the idea of passion written down, to be read, re-lusted after and enjoyed an innumerable number of times. This was just a cute little thing to add to my finger and a tip of the hat to traditional tattoos at the same time. I got the little moon because I am obsessed with the moon. I love it. The night is my time, my playground. Its the only time where I can really relax. Daylight makes me feel so uncomfortable, but the moonlight so comforting. It illuminates me in ways the sun never has and never will. I went with the cute little half-moon a. because it's iconic and b. because a whole moon on a pinkie looks weird as fuck. I got those knocked out in no time at all; they're the only finger tattoos that I have that need a touch-up; all the others are perfect and older.
You know what? forget going in order, we're just going to go by region since I have other finger tattoos that were done in the US. My female symbol, male symbol and the Virgo astrological sign I got while in Vegas. It was one of the shops on the strip. The bloke said that he could do them for a reasonable price, so I said alright! Then when we were finished he wanted an unbelievable amount and I almost punched him in the face. It was easier to dispute it after with the owner. I got the Virgo for someone who was special in my life at the time and I had my astrological sign already on one of my fingers, just because it looked cute, so I went with that for my left pointer finger. I went for the male and female sex symbols on my middle fingers as a way to say I'm interested in both men and women, and also fuck both of them in the end because most of the time people screw you over. I also wanted a way to low-key address my trans issues, merge my old fake identity with my real one that was becoming more of a daily physical living situation.
Then since we're already in North America, let's jump over to Canada where I got my Euro sign tattoo! I was there on a holiday and visiting some people that I knew and wanted to get some ink. I was living in Germany at the time and I've always loved the Euro sign so I decided to get that on my right pointer finger, also a rather sexual finger if you know what I mean. It's my favourite of the fingers and it's the one that you're most likely to stick up someone's arse, so when you're getting off you're getting off with money or at least in some degree thinking about money. Rather humorous all in all and it was a little way for me to grin at perversion at the most inappropriate of times. The guy was quick and knocked it out quickly. Took like 15 minutes tops. It was I think my fastest tattoo ever.
Now we're going leave the North American continent and head over to Europe, Poland to be more specific. I was there for my 23rd birthday and was hanging out, enjoying myself. Each year on my birthday or around my birthday, I get a tattoo. It's just a little tradition I've been doing since 2011.
Now we're going leave the North American continent and head over to Europe, Poland to be more specific. I was there for my 23rd birthday and was hanging out, enjoying myself. Each year on my birthday or around my birthday, I get a tattoo. It's just a little tradition I've been doing since 2011.
I wanted to get the classic heart on the ring finger, I mean, what really can go wrong with that? I'm a sucker for the classics as you all know. And then I went and got the Libra star sign symbol on my other ring finger. I got the star sign because I just liked the look of it; it represents balance and I love things in balance. Symetrical things please me. If things don't have symetry it really makes me uncomfrotable, anxious and it will bother me until I fix it. It was the cutest little shop in Ponsan where I got it done. The guy who tattooed me warned me that it was going to hurt a bit and to be careful not to move. I wasn't worried, I'd had my hands tattooed and sat through them both alright, I didn't think finger would be all that bad. It wasn't, just up near the cuticle was painful; you could feel the vibrations in the nail. It was also one of the oddest sensations ever. I actually enjoy it in an odd way; I can't wait to get the touch-up work done so I can feel it again.
Next Thursday, we'll explore the upper finger and knuckle tattoos (the ones that I covered on one hand.) The following one will focus on the thumbs and the tops of my hands. Two of them, the ribbon and the little dinosaur were covered in two other blogs, so I'm just going to touch on them and link the more in depth blogs about them!
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