Balls Out Update 2

Well, I did it. Two days shy of three weeks ago I went to my boss and told him about the ball throwing incident and the comment made at me. He told me that wasn't okay and that if I wanted it handled properly then I would have to give him a written statement. I thanked him and said I would do that. The next day I went into work and handed him a handwritten, signed statement about what happened, reporting it etc. Nothing has fucking happened. I've heard no update on anything. And the kicker? There was a racially driven incident at work and that was handled right away. The kid who said something was suspended ASAP. And the kid who said something is the same goddamn race as the guy he said something to. Yet I have to work almost every day with the piece of shit who made the remark, threw shit at me and have to pretend that everything is okay? I'm not fucking happy. In fact, I'm enraged. I understand that when I made the complaint and submitted the statement it was right before Black Friday, so I expected a little bit of a delay in having the matter dealt with because money always comes first, no matter where you are. But 3 fucking weeks later and no update of any sort? Not one "Hey Dan, thanks for being patient while we sort this out." or "It usually takes x amount of time for matters like this to be settled." Nothing. Not one fucking word and me having to work with the asshole all the time? That's a giant fuck you to me. It tells me that I'm not only not valued as an employee, but as a person as well. It really has me enraged that I can have things THROWN at me, yet still, have to work with the employee. Wouldn't you move him away from me? Swap departments? Of course not. Common sense doesn't seem to apply anywhere in that store. Normally, I would have been passive, not said anything. Not this time. I'm friendly with the assistant manager, so after hearing about my co-worker's suspension over that incident, I asked him what the everlasting fuck. I didn't want the details of their situation, I honestly don't give a fuck about either of them. I asked him why is his shit handled right away? Why am I forced to work with him after the second incident and had things THROWN at me? Why wasn't he suspended? Why didn't anything happen?! He said he didn't know and that I'd have to talk to the store head. Great. I'll probably get pushed aside again.
I'm tired of having to put aside my rights, my needs and my health for other people, especially those who do not deserve it. I'm not going to stay silent on this. I'm going to fight it to the very end. The LGBTQ community has to deal with enough ignorance, shame and abuse. I won't add to it by not standing up for myself and others like me. I'm sick of being humiliated, mocked and made fun of for being who I am. For having the courage to be myself finally.
This lack of communication, and possibly a lack of proper communication (I'm going to give a slight benefit of the doubt) only adds to the burden this community bares. It tells us we're not worth effort. It tells us that we are not worth basic human rights. It tells us that we are not deserving of fair treatment. It tells us that we are not human. We are human. We deserve fair treatment. These failures to defend and protect us lead to suicide attempts, severe depression, thoughts of worthlessness and hopelessness. I know that waiting to hear about the situation, having to work with this asshole and then the added other day incident made my feelings of isolation, worthlessness and hopelessness worse. I go home from work every day and cry until I have nothing left. I don't want to be there anymore. I'm not a valued employee. I'm just a cog. I don't care what managers say. If I really was that great of a worker, I'd have gotten the promotion that I deserve, I wouldn't have to help the brainless fuckwit who was chosen to do a job I know, and if I really was that important to the store, the ball jokes and the other incident I reported would have been handled a lot fucking faster. This isn't the first trans-related issue I've realised to management and now I'm full of rage and not letting this shit go.
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