Danny's Easter Egg Hunt

The Hell otherwise known as Easter is almost upon us.
Last year, I did a Cadbury vs Lindt special, comparing the two companies chocolate eggs. As expected, the Cadbury won out. I wanted to do something a bit similar this year. Cadbury is my favourite, so maybe I'm a little bit biased, but I wanted to do something that revolved around their chocolates. I'm almost addicted to their chocolate mini-eggs; it's like meth for me. (I guess that makes Cadbury Chocolates my Walter White.) I didn't know they had other flavours of them! They come in dark chocolate and cookies & cream, white chocolate I decided to try the other two because I LOATHE white chocolate and rate them. I was lucky enough to have a friend send me the two other varieties because I couldn't find them anywhere.
Let's get eggy with it.

Smooth, creamy and with that perfect crunch of the shell. I don't know what they do to these things, but they are addictive. I bet they lace those things with heroin or something. I love when you crunch down on them and then let them melt in your mouth a little bit. Its the perfect blend of chocolate. It tastes of chocolate, not that other fake shit they've got. It's really satisfying. It's sweet without being too sweet.

What the fuck is this? I've bitten into it and it's chalky and dryer than a lesbian's vagina at a cock festival. (That's not me throwing shade at lesbians, either.) It almost burns to taste. There's not chilli powder in these things are there? I've gotta look at the bag. Holy Jesus. These aren't pleasant. They don't even taste like dark chocolate. As much as I hate white chocolate, I'm half inclined to think the white chocolate would be more satisfying. Bloody Hell. It leaves a weird dry, aftertaste too. It's just not pleasant. They almost have a salty aftertaste as well. I know how you eat these! You throw them in the bin.

Things can't get any worse than that dark chocolate disappointment, so let's give these a go. I imagine they're like a white chocolate with Oreo bits inside. I don't know why I agreed to try these because of my intense dislike of both of the components, but sometimes two wrongs make a right, so let's see if they do this time. And that's a no. It's kind of like eating a Tide Pod I imagine. That same nasty, chalky, burning taste. Tastes like eating dirt kinda too. What the hell is this? There's no smooth texture! They're not appetising at all! I'm just gonna give these to some starving people on the street, these are gross. Then again, why would they need me to torture them like that? They already suffer enough. Into the bin these go!

So the milk chocolate wins out! I'm not really surprised. I had some hope for the dark chocolate since I enjoy it, but this was just a disappointment. I don't know if it was the candy shell or what. It was a big disappointment, honestly. Last year's Easter Egg adventure was far more rewarding and enjoyable. What do you guys think? What is your favourite flavour? Do you guys have any favourites that you have for Easter? If so let me know via Twitter!
I think that the cookies & cream one is only available in the US, but I'm not sure. I could have done more research, but let's face it, I don't care that much and if you're really craving something, you'll find it on your own.
There will be some Easter baking/treat specials I'll be doing on Delectables with Dan as Easter approaches, so keep an eye out for that! We've got some sweet treats that will raise more than just your spirits this holiday season!
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