Delectables with Dan: Dark Chocolate Chunk Banana Muffins!

I said at the start of this year that I wanted to branch out with Delectables with Dan and start doing other sorts of things, so here we are. I'm trying to keep myself healthy and focused so today we're going to be making some dark chocolate banana muffins that are great for breakfast or on the go. I'm sorry in advance if this blog isn't up to the usual, well mediocre, standard that I've set for myself here. I'm dealing with so much shit, that I feel like I'm drowning, so be patient. And as always, I'm looking for suggestions to try out here! Let me know.
6 large bananas, overripe
225g granulated sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp bicarb of soda
1/2 tsp salt
150g softened butter (11 tablespoons)
375g flour
200g dark chocolate chips
**This is a double batch of batter & will make 12 large muffins. If you want to make average sized muffins with this recipe, you'll make 24.**
Pre-Heat your oven to 175C (350F) and be sure to well grease your cupcake/muffin tins if you are not gonna use condoms for it. Is there really a name for the paper cups? Or are they just like called paper baking cups? My mum always called them that, my nan too. I don't know. I'm cool with calling them condoms if you are.

Peel your bananas and put them into a medium-sized mixing bowl. Add your sugar to your bananas. (If you so wish you can use a calorie-free sweetener in place of sugar like I did. MAKE SURE that t measures like sugar, if not convert it on Google.) If you have a potato masher use that to mash your bananas if you don't a simple fork will do the job. Make sure you crush them into a squishy mess. Pretend they're your ex and you're finally getting the chance to exact that (probably much needed and deserved) revenge.
Next, we're going to start adding the other dry ingredients. Add the bicarbonate of soda, baking soda and salt. Add in half of the flour, the one egg and half of the melted butter. Begin mixing. Mixture will be thick. Once you've given the mixture a few good stirs add the rest of the flour and the other half of the melted butter.

Once you've mixed the batter thoroughly, add in your dark chocolate chips. If you're not a fan of dark chocolate, you can easily use milk chocolate chips. My mate loves when I add a bit of chopped almonds into the mixture. It makes no difference. Using a ladle, pour batter into the greased cups or the muffin condoms. Put into bake for 20-22 minutes. Make sure that muffins are completely baked through before removing them.

So maybe I'm being a bit delusional with the idea that these are completely healthy, but sometimes you just need to live. Usually, I'm not a fan of banana muffins but they're just the thing. They'll hold a few days, but if you want them to hold out a bit longer, pop them into the fridge. Slowly warm them up on the counter before noming down on one. Don't put them in the goddamn microwave.

225g granulated sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp bicarb of soda
1/2 tsp salt
150g softened butter (11 tablespoons)
375g flour
200g dark chocolate chips
**This is a double batch of batter & will make 12 large muffins. If you want to make average sized muffins with this recipe, you'll make 24.**
Pre-Heat your oven to 175C (350F) and be sure to well grease your cupcake/muffin tins if you are not gonna use condoms for it. Is there really a name for the paper cups? Or are they just like called paper baking cups? My mum always called them that, my nan too. I don't know. I'm cool with calling them condoms if you are.

Peel your bananas and put them into a medium-sized mixing bowl. Add your sugar to your bananas. (If you so wish you can use a calorie-free sweetener in place of sugar like I did. MAKE SURE that t measures like sugar, if not convert it on Google.) If you have a potato masher use that to mash your bananas if you don't a simple fork will do the job. Make sure you crush them into a squishy mess. Pretend they're your ex and you're finally getting the chance to exact that (probably much needed and deserved) revenge.
Next, we're going to start adding the other dry ingredients. Add the bicarbonate of soda, baking soda and salt. Add in half of the flour, the one egg and half of the melted butter. Begin mixing. Mixture will be thick. Once you've given the mixture a few good stirs add the rest of the flour and the other half of the melted butter.

Once you've mixed the batter thoroughly, add in your dark chocolate chips. If you're not a fan of dark chocolate, you can easily use milk chocolate chips. My mate loves when I add a bit of chopped almonds into the mixture. It makes no difference. Using a ladle, pour batter into the greased cups or the muffin condoms. Put into bake for 20-22 minutes. Make sure that muffins are completely baked through before removing them.

So maybe I'm being a bit delusional with the idea that these are completely healthy, but sometimes you just need to live. Usually, I'm not a fan of banana muffins but they're just the thing. They'll hold a few days, but if you want them to hold out a bit longer, pop them into the fridge. Slowly warm them up on the counter before noming down on one. Don't put them in the goddamn microwave.

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