What do YOU have pierced?

Since today is National Piercing day where I'm living I decided to take some time out to honour one of the most ancient, unique and beautiful traditions of body modification. Now, that being said, I am a well known ink addict as well, but we'll get to that a bit later. ;)
I've done a few of my piercings myself, but I don't advise it. I was young and stupid when I started getting piercings and didn't really understand that it was a semi-perminent modification, that there could be life long scarrings, possibility of deadly infections and that it would also change the way people perceive me. Its well worth the wait of being old enough or having enough money to have a piercing or piercings done at a safe and clean shop. I've been pierced in Germany, United States, Northern Ireland, and England. All shops are pretty much the same when it comes to procedure, but if you have questions just ask!
Currently I've got: snakebites, snake eyes, tongue web, regular tongue, septum, medusa, eyebrow, both nipples, both my ears all the way up, both traguses, forward helix in both ears, my navel, Christina and the Princess Diana Piercings.
What do YOU guys have pierced? : )


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